Item Receipt Workspace

Use this workspace to enter item receipts from item purchase orders that you create in the Item Purchase Orders workspace.

The Item Receipt tab displays general and account information about the item purchase order. The Item Purchase Lines sub-tab displays the items that have been ordered. You must approve an item purchase order in the Item Purchase Orders workspace before you can enter the item receipt here.

To record an item receipt, you first retrieve the relevant item purchase order in the Item Purchase Order tab in this workspace. If you cannot remember the number of an item purchase order, you can use the search functions in the Find menu to locate it. Next, specify how many items you have received for each item line. You cannot change any prices here; you set prices in the Item Purchase Orders workspace.

If the item purchase order has items that have serial number control, you must enter these serial numbers in the Serial Number Entry workspace before you can approve the item receipt. If you select the Extended Serial Number Control system parameter, Maconomy automatically creates serial number receipt lines for items with a standard serial number for purchase to the current warehouse.

When you create an item purchase order, the automatically created serial number receipt lines already exist; Maconomy automatically updates them with the ordered and received numbers if you do not manually create additional serial number receipt lines for the current item purchase order line, and if the numbers on the automatically created serial number line correspond to the numbers that have been ordered and received in the Item Purchase Orders and Item Receipt workspaces.

Thus, you do not need to manually enter the receipt of serial numbers for items that have a standard serial number for purchase. You specify the standard serial number for purchase of an item in the Item Information Card workspace.

If the item purchase order is linked to a sales order, Maconomy automatically copies the serial numbers to the sales order when you approve the item receipt. Any items that are on backorder are reserved for packing so that you are ready to print a packing slip.

If you select the Warning of Receipt without Price system parameter, Maconomy warns you if the price is missing on either of the item purchase order lines on which the current item receipt is based. Thus you can avoid the problem of stocking items with a cost of 0. If a cost of 0 has been specified, you can go back to the item purchase order and correct the cost in accordance with the packing slip or vendor invoice received along with the items.

When you approve a receipt, automatic backorder allocation only happens if you selected the Automatic Back Order Receipt field in the System Information workspace, and you use the backorder method By Reservation. Backorder allocation happens upon item receipt. Maconomy sets the quantity for packing on order and BOM lines at the number of items on backorder, and the new items thus do not count as available stock.

If you change the price, item description, unit, or quantity on a purchase line that is created from a sales order in the Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders workspace, these changes also affect the sales order in question when you approve the item receipt. However, the sales order is only affected if the item has sales price costing and you selected the Transfer Cost field in the Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders workspace. You define sales price costing for an item group in the Item Group Information Card workspace in the Inventory module.

You can enter item receipts that are not related to any item purchase order in the Inventory Change workspace in the Inventory module.