Job Price Groups Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and maintain job price groups.

Each job price group is made up of activities, employees, and tasks that are all priced in the same way.

This window is used for creating and maintaining job price groups. A job price group can be made up of activities, employees, and tasks, all pointing to a specific price in a job price list. If, for instance, a whole group of employees has the same cost price, these employees can be put together in a job price group. Hereafter, you only need to create one single line for employees with the same cost price in the window Job Price Lists by simply specifying the job price group instead of one line per employee.

Use selection criteria to specify which price groups you want to see in the sub-tab of the workspace. The groups are created in the sub-tab. Maconomy assigns activities, tasks, and employees to job price groups using the Job Price Group No field in the Activities, Job Tasks, Task Lists, and Employees workspaces.