Item Discount Agreements Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Discount Agreements Tab.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the item number. If the item is a BOM and if you are working with sales discount agreements, it is only possible to create item discount agreements for the current item if you have specified that this is a BOM with price control in the field “Price Control” in the BOM Information Card.
Description This is the item text from the “Description Lang. 1” field from the Item Information Card. The text cannot be changed here.
BOM This field shows whether the item is a BOM or a standard item. If this field is marked, the item is a BOM. You can only create an item discount agreement for a BOM with price control.
Unit This field shows the unit in which the quantity of the item is registered. The value in this field cannot be changed here.
Minimum Sales Unit This is the item’s minimum sales unit. This facility is usable, if the item is packed with more units in the same packaging, and only if this packaging is sold intact. The value in this field cannot be changed here.
Pricing Unit This field shows how many item units are included in the unit price. This applies to sales prices, costs, weight and volume. The value cannot be changed here.

If you enter a fixed amount in the discount agreement, you can determine whether the discount is to be deducted from the total line price or the price per pricing unit.