Import Price Lists Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to import price list information for the items you that have created in Maconomy.

This information must be in a tab-separated data file. Maconomy puts the imported price data into an existing price list. You can then use the price lists as normal.

The import price list facility is a useful tool when you receive price lists from your vendors. It is then easy to update your purchase price lists merely by importing new files.

You must specify the price list and issue that you are updating and the percentage change that you want to apply. When you click OK, Maconomy displays a dialog where you can select the appropriate import file, and Maconomy then imports the price data from that file. If an item in the import file already exists in the price list, its price is updated at price step 1. If the item is not on the price list, you can choose to add it to the price list. If you select the Create New field, the item is added to the price list if it exists in Maconomy. You can import prices with quantity specification at all price steps using the All Price Steps field. If the price list has quantity discounts, Maconomy recalculates the other price steps from the imported price and the discount percentages specified in the Quantity Discounts workspace. The Quantity Discounts workspace should not be open when you import prices.

Maconomy tells you how the import is progressing in a window on the screen, and places a text file of the import report in the same folder as the Maconomy program on your computer. The name of the report file is PriceList.<date>, where <date> is the date of the import. You can use a word processing program to read the text file.

If there are errors during the import, Maconomy does not import the information. Maconomy runs through the entire import file and alerts you about any errors. An example of an error is when the import file contains item numbers that are unknown to Maconomy.