SpeedSheet Workspace

Use this workspace to record how you spend the hours of your working day.

You can enter one time sheet per day. The SpeedSheet workspace provides an easy way to enter time quickly as you work, so that you capture information while it is still fresh in your mind.

Access to this workspace requires add-on number 122.

If you select the Allow Incomplete Time Registrations system parameter, you do not need to enter all of the details about your work at the time when you create a job entry. Instead, you can enter a brief note about what you were doing and for how long, and leave the details for later.

The SpeedSheet relies on the use of favorites to automate entry. If you often work on the same job, task, and activity, you can create a favorite for that combination. Project managers and department managers can share favorites with their teams.

The main factor that makes entering time seem inconvenient is that it can be difficult to remember entry details such as job number, activity number, and task. These details are necessary for your company for accounting, invoicing, and reporting purposes, and you must enter them even though it seems inconvenient. The SpeedSheet solves this conflict with a combination of two features:

  • You do not need to enter all of the details about a job entry at the time of entry. In fact, the SpeedSheet does not, at first glance, permit you to enter any details. You can just enter a brief note about what you were doing and for how long, and leave the details for later.
  • The use of favorites automates the input of entry details. If you find that you often enter information for the same job, task, and activity, you can create a shortcut (favorite) to quickly insert that registration combination. Project managers or your department manager can even share relevant favorites with you, so you do not need to ask them for correct entry combinations

A built-in calendar makes it easy to navigate to any date.

Note that the SpeedSheet is a front end to the regular Time Sheet workspace. Each line that you enter in the SpeedSheet is a daily time sheet line that you can view and edit in the Time Sheets or Daily Time Sheets workspace. When you navigate to a date by clicking in the calendar, Maconomy creates the underlying daily time sheet.