Purchase Transactions Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Purchase Transactions sub-tab.

Field Description
Type This is the entry type. The entry can be a “Packing Slip,” meaning that it was created as a result of receiving items in the Item Purchase or A/P module.

The entry can also be an “Invoice” or a “Credit Memo,” which was entered in the window Vendor Invoices.

Entry Date This is the entry date in the General Ledger. The entry date identifies the posting period.
Trans. No. This is the entry’s transaction number. If the entry is a vendor invoice, the transaction number was allocated when the invoice was entered. If the entry is a packing slip, the transaction number was allocated when item receipt was approved.
Trans.Type This is the entry’s transaction type.
Description This is the entry text. The text was specified when the invoice was entered or item receipt approved.
Debit, Base This is the entry debit amount. It is specified in the base currency of the current company. The amount is either from a vendor credit memo or item receipt.
Credit, Base This field shows the entry credit amount, expressed in base currency of the current company. The amount is from a vendor invoice.
Reconcile In this field, you specify whether the entry should be reconciled. If the field is checked, the entry is reconciled.
Remainder, Base If the window concerns a packing slip, the remainder value corresponds to the line price, calculated as “Quantity” x “New Price,” for each of the item lines which are marked for approval in the window Invoice Control. A balance will only occur if a new cost price is specified.

If the window concerns an invoice, Maconomy displays how much of the current invoice that remains to be reconciled. The value is transferred from the field “Balance” in the window Invoice Control. If no changes have been made in the window Invoice Control, Maconomy displays the full invoice amount in this field.

Inv. No./Purchase No. This field shows either the vendor invoice number or the item purchase order number, depending on where the entry originated. If the entry originates from a receipt registered in the window Purchase Receipt, the value is 0.
Packing Slip No. This field shows the packing slip number which was entered when the vendor invoice was registered or when the item/purchase receipt was approved. You can use the number to determine which invoices are for which receipts.
Invoice Date This field shows the vendor’s invoice date. Together with the vendor’s payment terms, the invoice date is used to calculate the invoice due date. The field is blank if the entry is from item receipt in the Item Purchase module.
Amount, Original This field shows the original invoice amount expressed in the original currency.
Original Currency This field shows the currency the invoice was originally entered in.
Journal No. This field shows the number of the journal to which the entry was posted.
Date Posted This field shows the date on which the entry was posted to the accounts payable and general ledger.