G/L Report Set-Up Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the G/L Report Set-Up tab.

Report Island

Field Description
Report No. This is a unique number assigned to the report. It can be used to call the report from another report. The number is taken from the “G/L Report” system number series.
Name Enter the name of the report here. This name is printed on the report and can be used for searches.
Description You can enter a detailed description of the report in these three text fields. The description can optionally be inserted in the printed report using Maconomy’s layout editing tools.
Column Description Here you enter the name of the G/L report column you have created in the G/L Report Columns workspace.
Standard Column Description By marking this field, you can choose to have the column description specified above override any column descriptions for reports called from this one.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can specify the description and name of an access level for the current G/L report. In this workspace, you can only see and use the current G/L report if you have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the User Access Levels workspace in the Set-Up module. In other workspaces, you can only reference the current report if you have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the User Access Levels workspace in the Set-Up module. Please note that this access control only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to G/L reports may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration, please see “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, all users will have access to see information about the current G/L report.

Extra Remarks Island

Field Description
Text 1-6 Here you can enter additional descriptive information about the report. You can use Maconomy’s layout editing tools to insert this information in the printed report and use it in searches.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Number of Days until Expiry If the report is to be saved, that is, the field “Save Output Data” has been marked, you can specify in this field the length of the report’s validity period. The validity period is used for warning other users about to run identical reports within a given period that such a report already exists. Please note, however, that you can only save reports if you have installed the add-on “Reprint G/L Reports.”

Whenever a report is run, Maconomy checks whether an identical report with a validity date that has not yet expired has already been saved and issues a warning if this is the case, allowing you to cancel the process. This way, by specifying how long the new, saved report should be valid, you ensure that users who are about to run an identical report will be informed that such a report already exists. An existing report is considered identical to the one you are about to run if the information in the Selection Criteria, Dimensions, Selection Criteria, Currency Conversion, Company, Access Level, and Report (with the exception of the description fields) islands for the current report in this workspace is the same as the existing report’s information in the corresponding islands in the Show G/L Report Output workspace.

After the report has been saved, you can edit the validity period in the Reprint G/L Reports or Show G/L Report Output Data workspaces.

Save Output Data In this field, you can specify whether Maconomy should save the output data created when the report is run. When a report is saved, you can reprint it any number of times in the Reprint G/L Reports workspace. However, you can only save reports if you have installed the add-on “Reprint G/L Reports.”

When saving a report, Maconomy runs the report as usual and saves the aggregated data—that is, the information that appears on the printout—and not the individual Maconomy entries that are processed in the report. This way you ensure that all reprints are identical to the original report, and the reprint can be made instantly, as no data queries or processing are needed.

You can also use this functionality to, for example, run a report and inspect the results before creating an RTF or text file from either the Show G/L Reports or the Show G/L Report Output Data workspaces.

If you mark this field, you can specify a validity period for the saved report if you want Maconomy to show a warning if other users are about to run an identical report within a given period. For further information on this, see the description of the field “Number of Days until Expiry” in this island.

Print Report In this field, you can specify whether the report should be printed when it is run. This can be useful if a report contains sensitive information, and your reports are usually run at night. In those cases, you might prefer that the output is not printed right away, thereby lying in the printer all morning for anyone to see.

If you do not want the report to be printed when it is run, unmark this field and mark the field “Save Output Data.” This way, the report is saved and can be printed from the Reprint G/L Reports workspace when you see fit. However, you can only save reports if you have installed the add-on “Reprint G/L Reports.”

Notify Users In this field, you can specify whether people to whom this report is relevant should be notified when the report is run. The field is for information only, as no notification procedures are run when the report is generated.

Output Data File Island

Field Description
Enter File Name In this field, you can specify whether or not the user should specify a file name when the “Create Tab-separated File” action is selected. If the field is not marked, Maconomy names and places the file automatically as described for the “Create Tab-separated File” action.

Company Island

Field Description
Include Subcompanies In this field you can specify whether the figures on the report should be based on the figures from the companies that match the Selection Criteria of the report only, or whether the figures in any subcompanies belonging to the companies in the Selection Criteria should also be included. Please note that if you mark this field, and a company covered by the Selection Criteria is also the subcompany of another company covered by the Selection Criteria, the figures of the company in question are included twice: once as a company matching the Selection Criteria, and once as a subcompany of a company matching the Selection Criteria.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines The Report Lines sub-tab only displays the report line definitions if you mark this field. This makes it quicker to open the workspace if you are only opening a report to print it, without making changes.
Month From The values in this field and the fields “Year From,” “Month To,” and “Year To” define a period range. If you do not enter values in these fields, the value will be inherited from the corresponding field of the selection criteria, specified in the G/L Report Set-Up Tab. If the report line belongs to a report that is called from another report, the value in this field will be inherited form the corresponding field in the report line from which this report is called.
Company No. In these fields, you can specify the range of companies that should apply to the columns on the line. Company number ranges can also be specified in the Report Lines sub-tab and for each individual column on the line (in the G/L Report Columns workspace). Therefore, for a description of the priority used for determining the company range to apply to each report field, see the field “Company No. From” in the Report Lines sub-tab.
Account No. In these fields, you can specify the range of accounts that should apply to the columns on the line. Account number ranges can also be specified in the Report Lines sub-tab and for each individual column on the line (in the G/L Report Columns workspace). Therefore, for a description of the priority used for determining the account range to apply to each report field, see the field “Account No. From” in the Report Lines sub-tab.
Intercomp. Company No. In these fields, you can enter a range of company numbers. The report will only show entries where a company within the range is the intercompany company. Consequently, if these fields are completed, only intercompany entries will be displayed in the report.
Customer No. In these fields, you can enter a range of customer numbers. The report will only show entries associated with a customer within the specified range. Please note that it must be specified for each account in the Account Information Card workspace whether customer numbers should be transferred to G/L entries for that particular G/L account. Consequently, if these fields are completed, the report will only show entries for accounts for which it has been specified that customer numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Vendor No. In these fields, you can enter a range of vendor numbers. The report will only show entries associated with a vendor within the specified range. Please note that it must be specified for each account in the Account Information Card workspace whether vendor numbers should be transferred to G/L entries for that particular G/L account. Consequently, if these fields are completed, the report will only show entries for accounts for which it has been specified that vendor numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Job No. In these fields, you can enter a range of job numbers. The report will only show entries associated with a job within the specified range. Please note that it must be specified for each account in the Account Information Card workspace whether job numbers should be transferred to G/L entries for that particular G/L account. Consequently, if these fields are completed, the report will only show entries for accounts for which it has been specified that job numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Activity No. In these fields, you can enter a range of activity numbers. The report will only show entries associated with an activity within the specified range. Please note that it must be specified for each account in the Account Information Card workspace whether activity numbers should be transferred to G/L entries for that particular G/L account. Consequently, if these fields are completed, the report will only show entries for accounts for which it has been specified that activity numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Task In these fields, you can enter a range of tasks. The report will only show entries associated with a task within the specified range. Please note that it must be specified for each account in the Account Information Card workspace whether tasks should be transferred to G/L entries for that particular G/L account. Consequently, if these fields are completed, the report will only show entries for accounts for which it has been specified that tasks should be transferred to G/L entries.
Employee No. In these fields, you can enter a range of customer numbers. The report will only show entries associated with an employee within the specified range.
Asset No. In these fields, you can enter a range of asset numbers. The report will only show entries associated with a fixed asset within the specified range. Please note that it must be specified for each account in the Account Information Card workspace whether asset numbers should be transferred to G/L entries for that particular G/L account. Consequently, if these fields are completed, the report will only show entries for accounts for which it has been specified that asset numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Item No. In these fields, you can enter a range of item numbers. The report will only show entries associated with an item within the specified range. Please note that it must be specified for each account in the Account Information Card workspace whether item numbers should be transferred to G/L entries for that particular G/L account. Consequently, if these fields are completed, the report will only show entries for accounts for which it has been specified that item numbers should be transferred to G/L entries.
Statistics 1-4 Here you can limit the report to a range of statistic codes. The statistics code range operates differently depending on the value chosen in the field “Dimension” on the individual report line definition. If the “Dimension” field is blank, the report prints figures for each statistics code in the given range. If it shows “Account,” the report prints a line for each account with a statistics code included in the range entered here. If the “Dimension” field shows “Location,” the report prints a line for all locations whose statistics codes are within this range. This also applies to the other dimensions.

You can also vary the statistics code ranges for each report line definition in the Report Lines sub-tab.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In these fields, you can specify the range of locations that should apply to the columns on the line. Location ranges can also be specified in the Report Lines sub-tab and for each individual column on the line (in the G/L Report Columns workspace). Therefore, for a description of the priority used for determining the location range to apply to each report field, see the field “Location From” in the Report Lines sub-tab.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Currency Conversion Island

Field Description
Currency In this field, you can specify the currency in which to display amounts in each individual report field (a given column on a given line) in the report. The reporting currency used in any given report field can, however, also derive from the Report Lines sub-tab or from the current report description. For a description of the priority used for determining the reporting currency to apply to each report field, see the field “Currency” in the Report Lines sub-tab.
Exchange Rate Table In this field, you can specify the exchange rate table to be used when converting currency amounts in each individual report field (a given column on a given line) in the report. The exchange rate date used in a given report field can, however, also derive from the Report Lines sub-tab or from the current report description. For a description of the priority used for determining the exchange rate table to apply to each report field, see the field “Exchange Rate Table” in the Report Lines sub-tab.
Exchange Rate Date In this field, you can specify the exchange rate date to be used when converting currency amounts in each individual report field (a given column on a given line) in the report. The exchange rate date used in a given report field can, however, also derive from the Report Lines sub-tab or from the current report description. For a description of the priority used for determining the exchange rate date to apply to each report field, see the field “Exchange Rate Date” in the Report Lines sub-tab.