Item Purchase Orders Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Purchase Orders tab.

Item Purchase Order Island

Field Description
Order No. This is the number of the item purchase order and is unique. Maconomy automatically allocates the next available order number. The number cannot be changed manually, but you determine how item purchase order numbers are allocated in the System Numbers window.
Our Ref. Here you enter the name of the person who created the item purchase order. The name is printed on the item purchase order for future reference for the vendor. Maconomy suggests the name from the Vendor Information Card. If the field there is blank, Maconomy suggests the name of the user. You can change it, but you must enter a name.
Buyer Here you enter the person normally responsible for purchases from the vendor. Maconomy suggests the name from the Vendor Information Card, but you can change it.

Dispatching Address Island

Field Description
Vendor Here you enter the vendor number. Maconomy verifies that the vendor exists in the Accounts Payable module.

Maconomy retrieves various information from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module. The information is suggested in corresponding fields here, but you can change most of it.

You cannot change the vendor number on an existing item purchase order, and you cannot enter the number of a blocked vendor.

The other lines in this field show the vendor’s name and address. Maconomy retrieves the information from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module, but you can change it.

Attn. This is the vendor’s attention person the person to whom shipping information is directed. The name is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card. You can change it.
Country This is the vendor’s country code. The value is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card. You can change it here.
Phone This is the vendor’s phone number, retrieved from the Vendor Information Card. It can be changed.
Fax This is the vendor’s fax number, retrieved from the Vendor Information Card. It can be changed.
Telex This is the vendor’s telex number, retrieved from the Vendor Information Card. It can be changed.
E-mail This is the vendor’s e-mail address.

Price Island

Field Description
Currency Here you select the currency of the item purchase order. Maconomy suggests the value from the Vendor Information Card, but you can change it.

You maintain currencies in the Popup Fields window in the Set- Up module.

Price List Here you select the price list from which to suggest prices for the items in the table part of the item purchase order. Maconomy retrieves the price list from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module, but you can select another. The pop-up field only shows existing price lists, that is, those created in the Price Lists window in the Inventory module.

If you leave the field blank, Maconomy suggests the current warehouse’s latest cost of each item in the table part.

Keep Price In this field, you can specify the value which Maconomy should suggest in the corresponding field on each line created in the table part. On the lines, the field determines whether a change in quantity should cause the current unit price or discount percentage to be recalculated. For further information, see the description of the field “Keep Price.”

When you create an order Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field in the customer information card, but you can change it for the current order.

Goods This is the sum of the prices from the item lines (in the “Extended Price” field). The value cannot be changed manually.
Invoice Discount % Here you specify an invoice discount percentage. Maconomy suggests the value from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module. You can change it.

The invoice discount is deducted from the item sum. This is shown on the printed item purchase order, making it clear to the vendor, how much you expect to be invoiced for. The invoice discount percentage is deducted from the prices of the items, before these are shipped to the warehouse. This ensures costs are correct.

If your company does not use purchase price lists, that is, if there are no purchase price lists in the system, Maconomy suggests the latest cost in the current warehouse as unit price on every item line. This price includes any invoice discount received when you last bought the item. This means, that if you enter a figure in this field, Maconomy will calculate the invoice discount twice.

Invoice Discount Here you can enter an invoice discount amount, if applicable. You cannot enter a value both in this field and in the “Invoice Discount %” field.
Expense % Here you can specify an expense percentage, for example, for a handling charge. You can enter an estimated expense percentage, based on previous charges.

Maconomy suggests the value from the Vendor Information Card, but you can change it.

Expenses are added to the item sum and apportioned to individual items, when these are placed in the warehouse. This ensures costs are correct.

If your company does not use purchase price lists, that is, if there are no purchase price lists in the system, Maconomy suggests the current warehouse’s last cost of the relevant item as unit price on every item line, and this price includes any expense incurred when you last bought the item. This means, that if you enter a figure in this field, Maconomy will calculate both expenses.

Expenses Here you can specify an expense amount. You cannot enter a value both in this field and in the “Expense %” field.

The costs are apportioned to the individual items when item deliveries are registered. If you receive several deliveries for the same item purchase order, the costs will be apportioned each time.

Status Island

Field Description
Approved This field is marked once the item purchase order has been approved. To approve an item purchase order, you must select “Approve Item Purchase Order” in the Action menu. After approving the order, you can print it and enter item receipts.
Date Printed This is the date the item purchase order was last printed. The date cannot be changed manually.
Quantity This field shows how many times the item purchase order has been printed. This does not include copies from your computer’s standard print dialogue. The value cannot be changed manually.
Currently Received This field shows how many items have been delivered to you. The field shows “No,” “Partly,” or “Yes” depending on whether none, some or all of the items in the item purchase order have been received.

Item receipt is entered in the Item Receipt window. The value in this field is retrieved from the Item Receipt window.

Last Received On This is the date you last received items in the item purchase order. The date cannot be changed manually.
Quantity This field shows how many deliveries the vendor has made for the item purchase order. The value cannot be changed manually.
Closed This field shows whether the item purchase order has been closed. When you have received all the items in an item purchase order, you should close the order by selecting the action “Close Item Purchase Order.”

After closing the item purchase order, you cannot any longer add new item lines or enter backorder arrivals. Maconomy does not automatically close an item purchase order when all items have been received.

You can only mark this field by selecting “Close Item Purchase Order.” Only closed orders can be deleted in the window Delete Item Purchase Orders.

Date Closed This field shows the date the item purchase order was closed. The date cannot be changed.

Payment Island

Field Description
Pmt. Terms Here you select the payment terms of the item purchase order. Maconomy suggests the value from the Vendor Information Card, but you can select another.

Payment terms are defined in the Popup Fields window in the Set Up module.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In these fields, you can assign a document archive to the item purchase order. By assigning a document archive to an item purchase order, you can keep track of the various documents related to the order. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.
Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various information about the item purchase order and the current vendor. Maconomy suggests the values selected in the corresponding fields on the Vendor Information Card, but you can change the values for the current item purchase order in this window. The options are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks 1-10 Here you can enter remarks about the item purchase order.

Vendor’s Order Island

Field Description
Order No. Here you can enter the number of the vendor’s sales order, which corresponds to your item purchase order. If you contact the vendor before making the order to ask about expected delivery time, and so on, you are occasionally given a sales order number to which to refer to in your item purchase order.

The number is printed on the item purchase order.

Your Reference Here you can enter the name of the vendor contact you spoke to about the order. The name is printed on the item purchase order.

Maconomy automatically suggests the name from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module, but you can change it.

Our Cust. No. Here you enter your company’s customer number with the vendor. Maconomy automatically suggests the value from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module, but you can change it. It is printed on the item purchase order.

Billing Address Island

Field Description
Payment Vendor These fields display the name and number of the vendor you are paying for the delivery.

Maconomy retrieves the number from the Vendor Information Card, but you can change it. If you do, Maconomy verifies that the number exists in the Accounts Payable module.

The two vendor numbers are not the same, if one vendor delivers the items, while another receives payment for them.

The other lines show the bill-to vendor’s name and address. Maconomy retrieves the information from the Vendor Information Card in the Accounts Payable module. It cannot be changed here.

Attn. This is the vendor’s attention person the person to whom payment information is directed. Maconomy retrieves the name from the Vendor Information Card. It cannot be changed here.
Country This is the country of the vendor who is receiving payment for the purchase. It is retrieved from the Vendor Information card and cannot be changed here.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company these fields show the name and number of the settling company that applies to the current item purchase order.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module.”

Company Island

Field Description
Company In these fields, you can specify the name and number of the company responsible for the item purchase order. If you do not enter values manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive the values, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard values are transferred from the window System Information in the set-up module.

If the company in these fields is different from the one shown in the island Settling Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances at the posting of the item journal created as a result of the item receipt. In the intercompany balance, the company in these fields will be the responsible company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module for a further description of the concept of responsible companies and intercompany balances.

Delivery Island

Field Description
Pref. Deliv. Date Here you can enter the date you wish to receive the delivery, or a date agreed on with the vendor. When you create an item purchase order, Maconomy suggests a blank value. If you specify a date and create a line, Maconomy will suggest this date in the field “Deliv. Date” on the new line.

If you do not specify a value in this field, Maconomy will calculate a delivery date for the line, unless manually specify a delivery date on the line. For a description of the calculation of the delivery dates on individual item purchase order lines, see the field “Deliv. Date” in the table part.

The delivery dates on the lines of the item purchase order are not updated if you change the value in this field. However, if you select the action “Copy Delivery Date,” the delivery date on all lines in the table part will be changed to the date in this field. Please note that this can result in an update of the expected availability date, as described in the field “Deliv. Date” in the table part.

Warehouse Here you select the warehouse to which the items are to be shipped. Maconomy suggests the warehouse from the vendor information card, but you can change it.

You can only order items for one warehouse in one item purchase order. If you wish to order items for several warehouses from this vendor, you can direct them to the main warehouse and transfer them to your other warehouses after delivery using the window Inventory Change. Alternately, you can create one item purchase order per warehouse.

If you select a warehouse which is assigned to another company than the one specified in the island “Company,” Maconomy will create intercompany balances when you post the item journal created as a result of the item receipt. In the intercompany balance, the company to which the warehouse is assigned will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” and the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module for a further description of the concept of responsible companies and intercompany balances.

Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse at which you expect to receive the items. This location will apply to those lines in the table part where the warehouse location field is left blank. If a warehouse location is specified on a given line, it overrules any location specified in this field. Maconomy suggests the standard receiving location specified for the current warehouse in the window Warehouse Information Card, but you can specify another location.

It is not mandatory to enter location numbers in this window. However, the location information is also used in the window Item Receipt where the receipt of the items cannot be approved until you have either entered a location in the card part or on the individual item lines.

Delivery Mode Here you select a delivery mode. Maconomy suggests the value from the Vendor Information Card, but you can change it.

You maintain delivery modes in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

Delivery Terms Here you select the delivery terms of the item purchase order. Maconomy suggests the value from the Vendor Information Card, but you can change it.

You maintain delivery terms in the Popup Fields window in the Set Up module.

Bill of Lading Here you can enter a text or number (for example, the way bill number) to later identify the delivery. Delivery information is normally given in the Item Receipt window. If this text or number is changed in the Item Receipt window, it is copied to this window next time the window is opened, but it can be changed.

Vendor Information Island

Field Description
Department Here you can select the department the purchase involves. Maconomy suggests the department from the Vendor Information Card in the Inventory module, but you can change it.

You maintain your company’s departments in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

Vendor Group This is the vendor group to which the vendor is assigned. It is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card. You cannot change it here.
Language Here you select the language code of the item purchase order. Maconomy suggests the language code from the Vendor Information Card, but you can change it.

You can use the language code to print item purchase orders in different languages. Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, you can create item purchase order layouts in different languages.

Language codes are defined in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.

The extra item texts on the item information card are sales-related and have no effect in this window. Instead, you can enter the vendor’s item text in the field “Vendor Item Desc.” in the table part of the window.

Tax You can mark this field if the item purchase order is subject to tax. Maconomy suggests the value from the vendor information card, but it is possible to change it.
Tax No. Here you can enter the vendor’s tax number. Maconomy suggests the value from the vendor information card, but it is possible to change it. The number is printed out on the item purchase order.

Sales Order Island

Field Description
Sales Order No. If the item purchase order is created from a sales order in the Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders window, and if all the item purchase order lines are attached to the same sales order, the sales order number is shown here. This will always be the case if you have entered a common item purchase order number in the Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders window. The number cannot be changed here.
Drop Shipment If the item purchase order is attached to a single sales order – that is, there is a number in the “Sales Order No.” field – you can mark this field to show that the items in the item purchase order should be delivered directly to the customer the sales order is for. If the field is marked, Maconomy uses the delivery address of the sales order instead of the address of your inventory. You can change the value in the field, but you can only mark the field if the item purchase order is linked to a sales order.

The “For Packing” quantity will be zero on the related sales order lines as long as this field is marked. Items for drop shipment will thus not be included on a packing list or packing slip. If the mark is removed, the whole undelivered quantity will be set for packing.

Customer This is the customer in the above sales order, if applicable. The next two lines show the name and address of the customer.

Statistics to Tax Authorities Island

Field Description
Intrastat Reg. This field should be marked if the items delivered from the item purchase order are to be included in the monthly report to Intrastat. If the “Intrastat Export Report” field in the System Information window is marked, Maconomy marks this field automatically if the vendor comes from another EU country and does not have a mark in the “Tax” field in the Payment Control window.
Nature Here you select which transaction to report to Intrastat. They are created in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.
EU Trade Type Here you select the trade type, which can be either “Normal” or “Triangulation.” Triangulation implies that you are agent for a vendor in another EU country and an end customer in a third EU country. In this type of trade the invoice amount is not included in the EU purchases in your tax specification.

User Island

See the “Getting Started” topic for a description of the fields in the island User.