Tax Tables Workspace

Use this workspace to set up tax tables.

Maconomy uses the information from the tax tables in this workspace when you process transactions in the Sales Orders, Item Purchase, and Job Cost modules. If Maconomy cannot identify the correct tax code, it uses the specific item's tax code in the Item Information Card workspace or the Activities workspace.

You can use tax tables if your company sells items to tax locales that have different tax rates, or if you have more than one company in your enterprise, and the companies are subject to different taxes.

Assigning Tax Tables to Companies and Countries

You can assign a tax table to one or more companies, so that each company uses just one tax table for sales and purchases.

You can also use the Country field in this workspace to assign a country code to a tax table, then assign lines in the Tax Table Lines sub-tab to the country.

To determine which tax to apply, Maconomy uses the tax code from the tax table that is assigned to the company that entered the sale or purchase, combined with the country code that is specified for the sales order, invoice, job, and so on. If Maconomy cannot identify the correct tax code, it uses the tax code from the item's information card or from the activity.

On each line in the Tax Table Lines sub-tab, you assign a tax code to a target group that is made up of a combination of item groups, item types, item numbers, and so on. This is how you determine how taxes are applied to specific items and activities.

For auditing purposes, Deltek recommends that you print and file the Tax Tables workspace every time that you change it.