Job Budget Copying Element Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budget Copying Element sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This is the number of the job.
Budget Type This is the budget type to be copied.
Company No. This is the company number of the job.
Customer No. This is the customer number of the job.
Project Manager No. This is the project manager number of the job.
Status This field can show: “Pending,” which means that the job budget has not been copied yet, or it could show the type of message that was encountered when copying the budget (notification, warning, error or system error).
Message For pending lines, this field is empty. Otherwise it shows the text of the message encountered when copying the budget.
Date For pending lines, this is the date when the job budget was added to the queue. For processed lines, this is the date when the copy attempt was made.