
This section shows the actions available in the Approve Expense Sheet Lines workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Carry out Approval When you select this action, all status indications in the field “New Approval Status” are put into effect. If any expense sheet lines are thus fully approved or released — that is, the expense sheet from which the time sheet line originates was already approved or released by the supervisor, if this is required by the approval principle selected for the job in the window Jobs the lines in question are transferred to an expense sheet journal which can then be posted. If the system parameter “Automatic posting of expense sheets” is marked, the journal is posted automatically. If the system parameter is not marked, the journal must be posted in the window Posting in the G/L module. Please see the description of the field “New Approval Status” for more information about the effect of the different status indications.

The field “Approval Status” is updated with the value of the field “New Approval Status.”

Mark All for Approval When you select this action, all expense sheet lines in the sub-tab are marked for approval. This means that the value in the field “New Approval Status” is set to the value “Approved” on all lines.
Mark All for Rejection When you select this action, all expense sheet lines in the sub-tab are marked for rejection. This means that the value in the field “New Approval Status” is set to the value “Rejected” on all lines.
Mark Rejected for Approval When you select this action, all expense sheet lines in the sub-tab that were previously marked for rejection are marked for approval. This means that the value in the field “New Approval Status” is set to the value “Approved” on all lines on which the field “Approval Status” was previously “Rejected.”
Mark All for Release When you select this action, all expense sheet lines in the sub-tab are marked for release. This means that the value in the field “New Approval Status” is set to the value “Released” on all lines.

This action can only be used if the field “Trans. Non-Appr. Time Sheets” has been marked in the window System Information, and the current user has access to transferring expense sheets as specified in the window Actions. The employee specified as the project manager for the current job, however, always has the right to release time sheets for the employee in question.

Transfer Comment to Rejected When you select this action, the comment entered in the field “Standard Comment” in the main tab is transferred to the field “Comment” on all lines with an approval status of “Rejected” in the field “New Approval Status.” If a comment is already entered on the line, it is overwritten by the standard comment if the field “Overwrite” in the island Comment has been marked. Otherwise, the existing comment in the field is retained.
Transfer Comment to Approved When you select this action, the comment entered in the field “Standard Comment” in the main tab is transferred to the field “Comment” on all lines with an approval status of “Approved” in the field “New Approval Status.” If a comment is already entered on the line, it is overwritten by the standard comment if the field “Overwrite” in the island Comment has been marked. Otherwise, the existing comment in the field is retained.
Transfer Comment to Released When you select this action, the comment entered in the field “Standard Comment” in the main tab is transferred to the field “Comment” on all lines with an approval status of “Released” in the field “New Approval Status.” If a comment is already entered on the line, it is overwritten by the standard comment if the field “Overwrite” in the island Comment has been marked. Otherwise, the existing comment in the field is retained.