Show Packing Slip Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Packing Slip tab.

Ship to Address Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number of the customer who received the delivery. The other lines in this field show the customer’s name and address. The information is retrieved from the sales order.
Attn. This is the customer’s attention person the person to whom shipping information is directed. The information is retrieved from the sales order.
Country This is the customer’s country. It is retrieved from the sales order.
Reference This field shows any note entered in the Reference field on the sales order.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current packing slip. The value is transferred from the island Company on the order to which the packing slip is assigned.

This field also shows the name of the specified company.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 These fields show the values of the corresponding fields in the sales order which is the basis for this packing slip.

Packing Slip Island

Field Description
Packing Slip No. This is the number of the packing slip. If you cannot remember the number of a packing slip, you can use the search functions in the Find menu. You determine the packing slip numbers series in the Numbers window in the Set-Up module.
Printed This field shows whether the packing slip has been printed. If you wish to reprint it, you must remove the mark. You can then reprint it using the “Print…” function in the File menu.

The reprint does not cause any inventory movement. It is merely a copy of the original print.

Order No. This is the number of the sales order.
Invoice No. If the delivery is invoiced, this field shows the invoice number.
Job No. If the order is assigned to a job, this field shows the job number in question.
Version This is the sales order version effective when the packing slip was created. The value cannot be changed here.
Delivery Date This is the date the items were delivered.
Weight This is the total weight of the delivery. Delivery weights are registered by Maconomy automatically.
Volume This is the total volume of the delivery. Delivery volumes are registered by Maconomy automatically.
Area This is the total area of the delivery.
Package This is the number of packages in the delivery. This quantity is specified in the window Packing Lists.
Warehouse This is the warehouse the items were delivered from. The information is retrieved from the sales order.
Handled by This is the name of the warehouse employee who packed and delivered the items. The name can be entered in the window Packing Lists.
Bill of Lading No. If a bill of lading number has been specified on the current sales order, it is shown in this field.

Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Main Order No. If the packing slip has been created from a sales order which is linked to a main order, the number of the main order is displayed in this field. If the packing slip is created from the main order itself, the number of the current main order is displayed.