Allocation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Allocation tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This field displays the vendor number.
Purchase Line Type This field displays the purchase line type.
Fixed Asset Created This field displays whether a fixed asset is created for the vendor invoice.

Invoice Island

Field Description
Trans. No. This field displays the transaction number.
Transaction Type This field displays the transaction type.
Invoice No. This field displays the invoice number.
Invoice Date This field displays the invoice date.
Vendor Invoice Type This field displays the type of vendor invoice.
Entry Description This field displays the description for the invoice allocation line.
Reference Date This field displays the reference date.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field displays the number of the company.

Account Island

Field Description
Account This field displays the account number.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field displays the job name.
Activity This field displays the activity name.
Task This field displays the task name.
Employee This field displays the employee name.

Item Island

Field Description
Item This field displays the item name.

Purchase Order Island

Field Description
Purch. Order No. This field displays the purchase order number.
Close Purchase Order Line If you select this field, the purchase order line will be closed when the journal is posted. If closing this purchase order line means that all the purchase order lines are now closed, the purchase order itself will also be closed.

Accrual Island

Field Description
Accrual Type This field displays the accrual type.
Period From, Accrual This field displays the date on which the accrual started.
Period To, Accrual This field displays the date on which the accrual ended.

Pay to Vendor Island

Field Description
Pay to Vendor No. This field displays the number used to pay the vendor.

Allocated Amount Island

Field Description
Quantity This field displays the quantity.
Unit This field displays the unit.
Pricing Unit This field displays the pricing unit.
Unit Price This field displays the price per unit.
Discount This field displays any applicable discount.
Amount Excl. Tax This field displays the amount excluding tax.
Tax This field displays the tax amount.
Amount Incl. Tax This field displays the amount including tax.
Quantity 1 This field displays the quantity 1.
Quantity 2 This field displays the quantity 2.

Tax Island

Field Description
Tax Code This field displays the tax code.
Item Tax Code This field displays the item tax code.
Tax Exempt This field specifies whether or not the item is exempt from tax.

Status Island

Field Description
Posted This field specifies whether or not the vendor invoice has been posted.
Reopened This field specifies whether or not the vendor invoice has been reopened.
Reallocation Entry The field specifies whether or not the invoice allocation line has been reallocated.