Open Entry Customer Statement Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Open Entry Customer Statement tab.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. This is the customer number.

The island also shows the first two lines of the customer’s name and address. The information is retrieved from the Customer Information Card.

Currency This field displays the standard currency of the customer. The standard currency is specified in the field “Currency” in the window Customer Information Card.

Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field displays the name and number of the settling company of the customer.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the “Settling Company” field above.

Balance Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This is the customer’s current balance in the standard currency of the customer. The balance is updated when you post journals with customer entries. The field is automatically updated.
Balance, Base This is the customer’s current balance in the base currency of the company. The balance is updated when you post journals with customer entries. The balance is updated automatically.

Interest Charge/Reminder Island

Field Description
Date of Last Reminder This is the date the customer was last notified. The field is updated by Maconomy when you send a reminder.
Current Reminder Level This is the customer’s reminder level. This level corresponds to the highest level of one of the customer’s entries. The reminder level of an entry is raised every time you send a reminder. Maconomy updates the field automatically.

The reminder level is set at 0 if the customer has no overdue entries to prompt.

Last Interest Date This is the date the customer was last charged interest. The field is automatically updated when the customer is charged interest.