Item Information Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Information Tab.

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the item number. You can use the search functions in the Find menu to retrieve items.
Description This is the item text from the “Description Lang. 1” field.
Internal Desc. This is the internal item text. The text is printed on the packing list, and is suitable for internal messages to warehouse employees. You can, for example, specify how the item is to be handled and packed. The text is not printed on external documents.
BOM This field shows whether the item is a BOM or a standard item. If the field is marked, the item is a BOM.

Information Island

Field Description
Unit, Sales This is the item unit (kg, liter, gallon, and so on) used in sales.
Minimum Sales Unit This is the item’s minimum sales unit. You can change it.
Pricing Unit, Sales This shows how many item units are included in the unit price. This applies to sales price, cost, weight and volume.
Unit, Purchase This is the unit used when the item is purchased in the window Item Purchase Orders.
Minimum Purchase Unit This is the item’s minimum purchase unit.
Pricing Unit, Purchase This shows how many units of the item are included in the unit price of the item for purchases.
Sales/Purchase Unit This shows how many sales units are included in one purchase unit.
Gross Weight This is the item’s gross weight per pricing unit. You can change it.
Volume This is the item’s volume per pricing unit. You can change it.
Item Type This is the item type.
Item Group This is the item group to which the item is assigned.
Pricing Combination This is the pricing combination to which the item is assigned.
Discontinued This field shows whether the item has been taken out of your company’s item assortment. If the field is marked, the item is discontinued, which means you cannot sell more than what remains in the warehouse. The value in this field is transferred to the Sales Orders module.
Inventory Control This field shows whether the item has inventory control. For further information on inventory control on items, please see the field “Inventory Control” in the windows Item Groups and Item Information Card.
Primary Warehouse In this field you can select the primary warehouse of a given item. The warehouses specified on the item lines in the table part of this window are independent of the warehouse in the card part of the window Sales Orders. The primary warehouse is used if the same item exists in several warehouses. The value of this field is blank by default and can only be changed to a warehouse to which the item has already been assigned.
Tax Code This field shows one or more tax rates. These tax rates are added to an order line for a customer paying tax.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”