Jobs Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Jobs sub-tab.

Field Description
Transfer If this field is marked, the job on the line will be transferred when you select the action “Approve Transfer” in the Action menu. The field can be marked manually for each line or you can have Maconomy mark all the lines displayed in the sub-tab by selecting the action “Mark for Transfer.”
Job No. This field shows the number of the job represented on the line. The job displayed in this field is hence the job that will be transferred to new dimensions on the date specified in the island Transfer when you select the action “Approve Transfer.”
Job Name This field shows the name of the job on the line.
Job Group This field shows the job group to which the job is assigned.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company to which the job is assigned.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer to which the job is assigned.
Project Manager No. This field shows the number of the project manager assigned to the job.
Name of Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager assigned to the job.
Location This field shows the location assigned to the job.
Entity This field shows the entity assigned to the job.
Project This field shows the project assigned to the job.
Purpose This field shows the purpose assigned to the job.
Spec. 1-3 These fields show the spec. 1-3 assigned to the job.
Local Spec. 1-3 These fields show the local spec. 1-3 assigned to the job.
Submitted Draft This field indicates whether at least one invoice draft was submitted.
Appr. for inv. If this field is marked, the job on the line contains entries which have been approved for invoicing. See the description of the action “Approve Transfer” for information about the consequences of approving a job for transfer which is assigned entries approved for invoicing.
Appr. for inv. on main job If this field is marked, the job on the line contains entries which have been approved for invoicing on a main job. See the description of the action “Approve Transfer” for information about the consequences of approving a job for transfer which is assigned entries approved for invoicing on a main job.
Appr. for inv. editing If this field is marked, the job on the line contains entries which have been approved for invoice editing. See the description of the action “Approve Transfer” for information about the consequences of approving a job for transfer which is assigned entries approved for editing.
Appr. for inv. on account If this field is marked, the job on the line contains entries which have been approved for on account invoicing. See the description of the action “Approve Transfer” for information about the consequences of approving a job for transfer which is assigned entries approved for on account invoicing.
Net on Account, Currency This field shows any open invoices on account for the job on the current line. You should note that transferring a job does not automatically transfer open invoices on account for the job. These invoices must be transferred manually by reconciling it fully and then creating a new on account invoice with the same open amount. The invoices on account are created with the new set of G/L dimensions, as specified in this window. This field serves as a warning that you may not wish to transfer the current job until you have closed the open invoice on account in the window Invoice Selection.