Browse Employee Skills Workspace

Use this workspace to find employees who have certain skills.

The Browse Employee Skills tab provides the Skill Requirements island, where you can enter up to ten skill requirements as search criteria. You can also modify a search using selection criteria, such as employee category and time available for each employee. However, it is not necessary to specify both skill requirements and employee selection criteria as search criteria to perform a search. Use the Search action to perform the search. The Skill Search Results sub-tab displays the search results.

The functionality of this workspace corresponds to that of the Task Staffing workspace, except that this workspace enables you to search for employees who match selection criteria, whereas in the Task Staffing workspace you search for skills that match the criteria on a job budget line. See also the Task Staffing workspace for more information.

The results of a search display for each employee to what degree the employee matches the search criteria, including the number of skill level criteria that are not met and the number of skill level criteria for which the employee is overqualified. It also displays the employee's potential load percentage, as well as any potential extra overtime hours.

Based on this information, Maconomy automatically orders the employees in the search results according to how well they meet the search criteria, displaying the employee with the highest match first in the Skill Search Results sub-tab. When ordering the search results, Maconomy prioritizes as follows: The highest skill match percentage of an employee has the highest priority. If two employees have the same skill match percentage, Maconomy gives priority to the one who has the highest number of available hours. If further criteria are needed to find the best-suited employee, Maconomy prioritizes in the following order: the fewest hours of potential overtime, the highest level match percentage, and the lowest number of unmet skill levels.

The search results only provide an up-to-date picture when the search is performed, and after some time they may no longer be relevant, because some of the employees shown in the Skill Search Results sub-tab may have been allocated for other purposes, or their skills may have been changed. In addition, if you change the selection criteria in the Browse Employee Skills tab, the search results in the sub-tab are not automatically updated. To see the results of the modified selection criteria, use the Search action again.