Item Group Information Card Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to manage various item groups.

In the Item Group Information Card tab, enter general information about the group. In the Departments sub-tab, enter references to G/L accounts if you want to book sales and cost of sales by item group. The Departments sub-tab displays one line for every department created in the Posting References workspace in the G/L module.

Maconomy divides inventory items into a number of logical groupings. You must create these groups in this workspace before you can set up items in the Item Information Card workspace, because you must attach items to a group. Maconomy distinguishes item groups from one another by costing method, inventory control, tax codes, and other information, all of which is transferred to the Item Information Card when you assign an item to a group.

You can change the information for an existing item group after items have been assigned to it, but the new information does not affect the items that are already in the group. Changes only affect new items assigned to the group.