Itemize Invoice Selection Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to show the individual job entries recorded on the jobs processed in the Job Cost module.

You can create job entries for direct invoicing or crediting. As long as the job entries are open (that is, not invoiced), you can view and edit them here.
Note: The description of this workspace assumes that you are creating invoices, but most of the features also apply to creating credit memos.

The Itemize Invoice Selection tab shows information for each invoice selection line in the Invoice Selection workspace. While the lines in the Invoice Selection workspace are summed, here they are broken down into individual job entries.

Any negative Total amount represents a credit memo, and can be processed in this workspace.

If the current job is a fixed-price job and has the Allow Invoicing on Account Only job parameter set to Yes, you can only create entries that will not be included in the fixed price of the job.

Write-Ups and Write-Downs

If you use the Transfer Desired Sales Price or Transfer Fixed Price actions in the Invoice Selection workspace to perform a write-up or write-down, and the current job has the Transfer Write-Up/Down to Fixed Allocation Combination job parameter set to Yes, the transfer is allocated to a separate allocation combination. In other words, the change in the sales price is not transferred proportionally to the entries selected for invoicing. Instead, the difference is allocated to a single new entry whose dimensions are determined by the Write-Up/Down job parameter.

Depending on the current invoice layout, the write-up or write-down may be displayed on a separate line in the invoice selection and possibly on the invoice itself.

If the job's Allow Write-Up/Down at Transfer Billing Price Only job parameter is set to Yes, you cannot change quantities, billing prices, or markup percentages directly in this workspace.

For more information about parameters that pertain to fixed-price jobs, including write-ups and write-downs, see the descriptions of the Job Parameters and Job Parameter Selection Rules workspaces.

If you specified employee control for the current job in the Jobs workspace, you can only create entries for employees who appear in the job's budget or who are listed in the job's employee control list.

If the Use Fixed Budget Type for Employee Control system parameter is selected, Maconomy uses a budget of the type specified in the Budget Type No. for Employee Control system parameter. Otherwise Maconomy uses the planning budget.