Employee Control Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to specify a list of employees who are permitted to create entries on a job. By only permitting certain employees to make entries on a job, you can avoid accidental or incorrect entries. You can create an employee list for each job.

You can also enable employee control in this workspace by selecting an action. In the Jobs workspace, you can choose a different method for employee control, where only employees who appear in the job's planning budget are permitted to make entries on the job. However, the recommended employee control method is to use employee lists that you define in this workspace.

You can add employees individually, or you can copy a list from another job and then edit it, or import the employees who are members of a certain employee category.

Use the Employees sub-tab to add employees to the job (if the job is open) and view information about the employees. You can also enter a range of dates to indicate when the employee can make entries on the job.

Any addition of an employee to any employee list must be approved. The approval can be done in this workspace or in the Employee Control Lines workspace. Alternatively, if you select the Automatically approve employee control lines at creation job parameter, employees are approved automatically when you add them to the control list.