Order Lines Workspace

Use this workspace to handle individual order lines.

You create those lines in the Quote, Sales Orders, or Credit Orders workspaces, or Maconomy retrieves them from a sales order to the backorder register. The Order Lines tab displays general and account information about individual order lines. This workspace is particularly relevant for order lines that consist of a BOM that is being itemized on order documents. The BOM Lines sub-tab then displays the individual BOM parts. This workspace is thus a supplement to the sub-tabs in the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders, and Back Order Register workspaces if you use BOMs in Maconomy.

The BOM Lines sub-tab displays all of the items in the BOM, if you are itemizing the BOM. You cannot change any information in the Order Lines tab, except through a number of actions, but you can change various BOM part information in the BOM Lines sub-tab. You can delete and enter item lines that do not have nested BOMs, and you can change price, discount, quantity, quantity for packing, texts, and dimension information. However, you can only change price, discount, and quantity for items on the lowest level of the BOM, which means that Maconomy recalculates the price as the sum of the prices of the items on all levels.

You can also view order lines that consist of texts or standard items, but because the workspace is particularly relevant for BOMs, the field descriptions are mostly concerned with BOMs. If you retrieve a text line or standard item, only the Order Lines tab is active. It displays the same information as on the order lines in the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders, or Back Order Register workspaces, in addition to other information from the item information card.