Order Lines Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Order Lines tab.

Order Line Island

Field Description
Order No. This field shows the order number of the quote, sales order or credit order, in which the order line appears. If the line is a back order register line, the order number will be the same as the sales order it came from. The order number, order type, and line number combine to make the sole and absolute identification of the order line. To retrieve an order line, you can use the search functions in the Find menu. The order number cannot be changed.
Line No. This field shows the line number in the quote, sales order or credit order, in which the order line appears. If the line is a back order register line, the line number will be the same as on the sales order it came from. The order number, order type, and line number combine to make the sole and absolute identification of the order line. Maconomy allocates an order line numbers according to where the order line is placed on the order. The value cannot be changed here.

To retrieve an order line, you can use the search functions in the Find menu.

Order Type This field shows whether the order is a quote, sales order, credit order or back order. The value cannot be changed here.
Blocked This field shows whether the current line has been blocked. Only sales order lines and back order lines can be blocked.

Lines can be blocked and unblocked manually in the window Sales Orders and Back Order Register, but you can have Maconomy unblock sales order lines which have become valid for unblocking, for example, because the items have become available on the delivery date. This is done by selecting the action “Activate Line.” For further information on Maconomy’s procedure for unblocking lines, please see the description of the action “Activate Line.”

Item Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the item number on the order line.
Description This is the item text. The text is retrieved from the “Description” field in the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window. The text cannot be changed here.
External Desc. This is the external item description. The text is retrieved from the “External Desc.” field in the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window. The text cannot be changed here.
Internal Desc. This is the internal item description. The text is retrieved from the “Internal Desc.” field in the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window. The text cannot be changed here.
Extra Text 1-10 These fields display the supplementary text entered for the item on the current order line. The text cannot be changed here.
Item Group This is the item group. The information is retrieved from the Item Information Card in the Inventory module. The value cannot be changed.
Item Type This is the item group. The information is retrieved from the Item Information Card in the Inventory module. The value cannot be changed.
Unit This is the unit item in which the item is sold. The value is retrieved from the “Internal Desc.” field in the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window. It cannot be changed here.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the location assigned to the item line. It is used when the invoice journal (from the sales or credit order) is posted. It only applies to standard items and BOMs with inventory control.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Quotes/Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Ordered This field shows how many units of the item are ordered in the quote or sales order. If the line is a back order line, the quantity will be the remaining quantity from the sales order after delivery. The value is retrieved from the “Quantity” field in the table part of the Quote, Sales Orders or Back Order Register window. It cannot be changed here.
For Packing This field shows how many item units are selected to be packed.

The value is retrieved from the “For Packing” field in the table part of the Sales Orders window. It cannot be changed here. If the order is a quote or a back order register line, the value is “0.”

Back Orders If the line is from a sales order, this field shows how many item units are on back order. The value is retrieved from the “Back Orders” field in the table part of the Sales Orders window.

If the line is a back order register line, the quantity will always be zero, when you use the “By Packing” back order principle. If you use the “By Reservation” back order principle, the field will show how much of the item is not available.

If the order is a quote, the value is “0.” The back order quantity cannot be changed here.

Delivered This field shows how many item units have been delivered. The value is retrieved from the “Delivered” field in the table part of the Sales Orders window. It cannot be changed here. If the order line is from a quote or back order register, the value is “0.”
Invoiced This field shows how many item units are invoiced. The value is retrieved from the “Invoiced” field in the table part of the Sales Orders window. It cannot be changed here. If the order line is from a quote or back order register, the value is “0.”

Number of Back Orders Island

Field Description
Orig. Order No. If the order line is a sales order line, which is transferred from a back order register line, this field shows the number of the sales order in which the line was originally created. It cannot be changed. The field has no significance for lines from quotes and credit orders.
Orig. Line No. If the line is a sales order line transferred from the back order register, or if it is a back order register line, this field shows the line number on the sales order it was originally created in. It cannot be changed. The field has no significance for quotes and credit orders.
Orig. Ordered If the line is a sales order line transferred from the back order register, or if it is a back order register line, this field shows how many items were originally ordered. It cannot be changed. The field has no significance for quotes and credit orders.
Deliv. to Date If the line is a sales order line transferred from the back order register, or if it is a back order register line, this field shows how many items have been delivered since the line was originally created. A sales order line transferred from the back order register is transferred back to the back order register, if it still is not possible to deliver the desired quantity. An order line can be transferred back and forth from the sales order and repeatedly.

The value cannot be changed. The field has no significance for lines in quotes and credit orders.

Consignment Island

Field Description
Consignment No. This field shows the consignment to which the current order line is assigned. The field is only relevant for orders with partial delivery, as the value otherwise has no influence on the order handling. Therefore, the following description is based on the assumption that the order has partial delivery.

If an order line is assigned to a consignment, it means that the line will be part of a joint delivery of different order lines to the same destination on the same date and with the same combination of carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type.

It is possible to assign each line on a sales order to a separate consignment. However, if a consignment has been specified for the order in the card part of the window Sales Orders, all lines belonging to the order are automatically also assigned to this consignment whether the order has partial delivery or not.

It is also possible to have Maconomy automatically assign the current order line to a consignment by selecting the action “Assign to Consignment,” provided that the line is not a back order line. When you select this action, Maconomy will attempt to find a consignment which matches the order’s terms with regard to destination, carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type.

When the field is completed, the delivery date is changed to the packing date of the consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning order lines to a consignment.

Packing Date If the current order line is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the date on which packing for the consignment in question should commence. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question. When the line is assigned to a consignment, the delivery date of the line is changed to the date in this field, and the contents of the field can no longer be changed.

Price List Island

Field Description
Price List This field shows the price list according to which the order line is priced. The price list is retrieved from the “Price List” field in the table part of the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window. The value cannot be changed here.
Price Step This is the price step in the price list according to which the order line is priced. The price step is retrieved from the “Price Step” field in the table part of the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window. The value cannot be changed here.
Keep Price This field shows whether the unit price and discount percentage on the current line are to be recalculated when changing the quantity. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the table part of the current order or quote.
Price at Step 1 This is the price of one pricing unit, if the order line is assigned to a price list and if the item is included in the price list. The value cannot be changed here.

Note Island

Field Description
Note If a note has been assigned to the current line, this field shows the number of the note in question. The note text can be viewed and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 These fields show the values entered in the corresponding fields on the current order line.

Credit Orders Island

Field Description
Credited This field shows how many item units are credited in the credit order. The value is retrieved from the “Credited” field in the table part of the Credit Orders window. It cannot be changed here.
Returned This field shows how many item units have been returned. The value is retrieved from the “Return” field in the table part of the Credit Orders window. It cannot be changed here.

Number of item purchase orders Island

Field Description
Item Purchase Order No. If the order line is attached to an item purchase order line, this field shows the number of the item purchase order. Item purchase orders are attached to sales orders in the Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders window in the Item Purchase module. The number cannot be changed here.
For Purchase If the order line is or will be attached to an item purchase order line, this field shows how many units of the item you are buying. The value cannot be changed here, but if the item purchase order has not been created yet, you can enter a quantity in the Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders window.
Received If the order line is attached to an item purchase order line, this field shows how many units you have received until now. The quantity is in sales units.

Warehouse Island

Field Description
Inventory Control This field is marked if the item has inventory control. The value is retrieved from the Item Information Card in the Inventory module. It cannot be changed.
Warehouse This is the warehouse to which the quote, sales order or credit order is assigned. The value is retrieved from the “Warehouse” field in the order window. Order lines in the back order register are assigned to the same warehouse as the sales order they came from. You cannot change the value here.
Stock Location No. This is the warehouse location specified on the current order line.
Delivery Date This is the date by which the item on the current order can be delivered. The date is retrieved from the field “Deliv. Date” in the table part of the window Sales Orders. The delivery date cannot be changed here.

As long as the order from which the order line originates is neither approved nor assigned to a consignment, this field displays the last possible delivery date for order and BOM lines on the order.

When the order is approved, the delivery date on all lines of the order is changed to the date specified in this field. When the order has been approved, the delivery date for the current order can be changed in the window Sales Orders, if the order is not assigned to a consignment. If the delivery date is changed to a later date, the delivery date registered on all lines of the order will be changed accordingly, but if the delivery date on the current order line is changed to an earlier date, all reservations on the order will be renewed, and Maconomy will calculate a new delivery date for the order. If you then add a line for an item/BOM that can only be delivered after this date, all delivery dates on the order will be changed according to the delivery date registered on the new line.

If the order is assigned to a consignment, the delivery date of the order and the assigned order lines will be changed to the packing date of the consignment. After this, you cannot add lines that cannot be delivered on the packing date of the consignment.

If the order line concerns a BOM that is itemized upon creation of the order, you should consider special rules concerning calculation of delivery dates. This functionality is described in detail for the field “Deliv. date” in the table part of this window as well as described in Appendix C: Calculation of delivery dates for BOMs in the Sales Orders module.

Confirmed Delivery Date This field shows the last date which has been communicated to the customer as the delivery date. In other words, this is the date which the customer has been informed as the day on which he can expect to receive the items on the line. By comparing the date in this field with the one in the field “Deliv. Date” on the line (or “Arrival Date” if a consignment has been specified on the line), you can determine whether the customer needs to be informed of any delivery date changes.

Price Island

Field Description
Price Control This field shows whether the item has price control. If the field is marked, Maconomy calculates the price from a price list or cost information, including discounts. All standard items have price control. Price control is optional for BOMs. Price control is assigned in the “Price Control” field in the BOM Information Card window in the Inventory module. You cannot change the value here. If the field is not marked, the price is calculated as the sum of the prices of the BOM parts. These are specified in the table part.
Unit Price This is unit price effective on the order line.

If the item is a standard item or BOM for which individual items are not itemized, the price is calculated as described in the field “Unit Price” in the window Sales Orders:

If the item is an itemized BOM with price control, the unit price is first calculated in the same ways as for standard items. The price is then distributed to the BOM parts in the percentages given in the BOM information card in the Inventory module, after which the price for the highest level is recalculated as the sum of the prices of the BOM parts.

If the item is an un-itemized BOM without price control, the unit price is the sum of the BOM parts. The highest level with price control determines the BOM price. The individual BOM part prices are calculated by multiplying the unit price by the quantity of the item in the BOM, which is given in the BOM information card, multiplied by the BOM header pricing unit and divided by the BOM part’s pricing unit.

See also the description of the window BOM Information Card for a more detailed description of how BOMs are priced.

Pricing Unit This is the quantity of item units included in the unit price, unit weight and unit volume of the item. The value is retrieved from the Item Information Card and cannot be changed here.
Extended Price This is the extended price of the order line. The price is calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the unit price and dividing this sum by the pricing unit. Any line discount is then deducted. The extended price is shown in the “Item Sales” field in the Price island in the card part of this window. The value cannot be changed here.
Currency This is the currency of the order line.

Discount Island

Field Description
Quantity Disc. This is the quantity discount on the order line. If the item is a BOM without price control, the quantity discount is calculated as the sum of the discounts on the individual BOM parts. If the item is a standard item or BOM with price control, Maconomy applies any quantity discount quoted by the item’s price list. Quantity discounts are calculated as the difference between the price at price step 1 and the unit price, multiplied by the quantity ordered, and divided by the pricing unit. The value is shown in the “Quantity Discount” field in the table part of the Quote, Sales Orders Credit Orders or Back Order Register window. The value cannot be changed here.
Discount % This field shows the discount percentage on the order line, if applicable. The customer can be entitled to a discount from a discount table line in the Discount Table window in the Inventory module or from a customer or item discount agreement. The discount can also have been entered manually. It is retrieved from the “Discount %” field in the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window the order is created in. You cannot change it here.
Discount This field shows the discount amount on the order line, if applicable. The customer can be entitled to a discount from a discount table line in the Discount Table window in the Inventory module or from a customer or item discount agreement. The discount can also have been entered manually. It is retrieved from the “Discount” field in the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window the order is created in.

You cannot change it here.

Discount Desc. This is the discount text from the “Discount Desc.” field in the table part of the Quote, Sales Orders, Credit Orders or Back Order Register window the order was created in. The discount text is printed on all external order papers next to the line discount it refers to.

General Island

Field Description
Weight This is the item’s weight per pricing unit. The weight is given in the standard item’s or BOM’s information card in the Inventory module. If the item is a standard item or a BOM with inventory control, the value here will be included in the total order weight. If the item is a BOM without inventory control, the order weight is found from the weight of the BOM parts on the highest level with inventory control. The weight here will then not be used. It cannot be changed here.
Volume This is the item volume per pricing unit. The volume is given in the standard item’s or BOM’s information card in the Inventory module. If the item is a standard item or a BOM with inventory control, the value here will be included in the total order volume. If the item is a BOM without inventory control, the order volume is found from the volume of the BOM parts on the highest level with inventory control. The volume here will then not be used. It cannot be changed here.
Tax Code This field shows the tax code from the Item Information Card in the Inventory module. Tax codes are maintained in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module. The tax code has no significance to back order register lines.

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2” and, if three tax levels are enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Please note that if the “Tax” field in the Quote, Sales Orders or Credit Orders window is marked, Maconomy uses one of the two following principles to charge tax:

  1. If there is a mark in the “Differentiated Tax” field in the “Tax” island in the System Information window, Maconomy calculates a tax amount from the tax code in this field.

    Please note that the tax on a BOM is calculated from the highest level with inventory control. Tax on a BOM without inventory control is calculated from the BOM part lines with inventory control and which are not part of a BOM with inventory control, using the tax code in the BOM part’s information cart. Tax on a BOM with inventory control is found from the BOM header, using the tax code in the BOM header’s item information card.

  2. If the “Differentiated Tax” field is blank, Maconomy uses the standard tax code from the System Information window.

    Please note that the tax on a BOM is calculated from the highest level with inventory control. Tax on a BOM without inventory control is calculated from the BOM part lines with inventory control, using the standard tax code from the System Information window. Tax on a BOM with inventory control is calculated from the BOM header using the standard tax code.

Sales Price Costing This field shows whether you are applying the Sales Price Costing to the item on the order line. If the field is marked, and if the item is a standard item or a BOM with inventory control, Maconomy calculates the cost as a fixed percentage of the extended price. The percentage rate is specified in the “GM % Sales Price” field in the Item Information Card window. If the field is not marked, Maconomy uses the item’s cost in the warehouse in question. Cost and cost principle are specified in the Item Information Card.

If the item is a BOM without inventory control, Maconomy calculates the cost as the sum of the costs of the BOM parts. If so, the information in this field is not used.

Item Note Island

Field Description
Note If an item note has been assigned to the current line, this field shows the number of the note in question. The note text can be viewed and edited in the window Notes in the Set-Up module. For more information, please see the description of the field “Note.”