Inventory Profiles Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Inventory Profiles Tab.

Inventory Profiles Island

Field Description
Item No. This is the number of the item shown in the window. You can use the Find menu to search for other items. It is only possible to see items marked in the “Inventory Profile” field in the Item Information Card window.
Description This is the text from the “Description Lang. 1” field in the Item Information Card window. It cannot be changed here.
Internal Desc. This is the text from the “Internal Desc.” field in the Item Information Card window. It cannot be changed here.
Unit This field shows the sales unit of the current item, for example, ‘piece’.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Warehouse In this field, you can select the warehouse for which you wish to see the registered sales, purchase, and production orders in the table part. Sales and item purchase orders are always assigned to a specific warehouse, while a production order can be assigned to, for example, one warehouse for the shipment of raw materials and another for the receipt of the finished goods.

If the field “Inventory Profile” of the warehouse in question has not been marked, no lines are shown.

Date In this field, enter the range of dates within which you wish to see registrations in the table part.

Warehouse Information Island

Field Description
Inventory Profile This field shows whether an inventory profile is assigned to the current item for the warehouse selected in the island Selection Criteria. The information is retrieved from the table part of the item information card.
Delivery Horizon This field shows the expected delivery date for the item if it was selected for purchase on the current date. The date is calculated as the current date + the number of days in the “Deliv. Time” field for the inventory in the table part of the Item Information Card window.

When the inventory profile is used to calculate delivery dates and quantities for purchase, Maconomy only takes into account the shipments and receipts expected until this date. For example, when items are reserved in a sales order, it is assumed that from this date any number of units of the item can be delivered.

Stock On Hand This is the current inventory, expressed in units of the item in the warehouse. The value is the same as the one in the “Stock on Hand” field for the warehouse in the table part of the Item Information Card window.
Reorder Level This is the value from the “Reorder Level” field for the warehouse in the table part of the Item Information Card window.
Max. Stock This is the value from the “Max. Stock” field for the warehouse in the table part of the Item Information Card window.