Inventory Profiles Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to view an Inventory Profile, or the expected change in stocking applicable to items that have inventory control.

This workspace displays the profile for one item at a time. It is only for reference purposes, and you cannot make changes here.

The Inventory Profiles tab displays selected data from the Item Information Card, as well as the current stock of the item. The Inventory Changes sub-tab displays the expected change in stock based on the sales, purchase, and production orders in the system.

Maconomy uses the inventory profile when reserving items for sales and production, as well as when making item purchase orders.

When you reserve items, Maconomy uses the profile to calculate the earliest possible delivery date. Maconomy calculates the date so that the inventory is always sufficient to cover the recorded reservations. However, Maconomy does not take into account reservations that happen after the delivery horizon, that is, the current date plus the delivery time for the item. Such reservations are covered by new purchases or production.

When Maconomy makes item purchase selections, it uses the profile to calculate purchase quantities. This is calculated so that the inventory reaches the desired maximum after you make the recorded shipments and receipts. In other words, Maconomy does not take into account any reservations that happen after the delivery horizon, since these are covered by new purchases and production.