Compensation Agreements Tab

This section shows information about the currently selected contact person.

Contact Person Island

Field Description
Contact Person No. This field shows the number of the currently selected contact person. The contact person does not necessarily have to be assigned to an employee. This allows you to create compensation agreements for, for example, board members and partners.
Employee Number. This field shows the number of the employee assigned to the contact person specified in the field “Contact Person No.” above, that is, the employee with whom the agreement is made. If the contact person is not assigned to an employee, this field is blank.
Name This field shows the name of the contact person specified in the field “Contact Person No.” above.
Country This field shows the country to which the current contact person belongs.
Blocked This field shows if the current contact person has been blocked.

It is not possible to create or edit agreements for blocked contact persons.

Total Island

Field Description
Reporting Currency In this field, you can specify the currency in which you want the amount in the field “Total Value” below to be displayed.
Total Value This field shows the total value of the agreements currently shown in the table part. The field shows the sum of the values in the field “Value of Agreement, Currency” on the lines in the table part, converted into the currency specified in the field “Reporting Currency” above.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Responsible Employee This field shows the number of the employee responsible for the current contact person. For further information, see the description of the field “Responsible Employee” in the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module.
Name This field shows the name of the employee shown in the field “Employee No.” above.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Compensation Category In this field, you can select a compensation category. The table part will only show compensation agreements belonging in the selected category, and when creating lines, this category is suggested in the field “Category.” Compensation categories are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Compensation Type No. In this field, you can specify a range of compensation type numbers. The table part will only show compensation agreements pertaining to types within the specified range.
Company No. In this field, you can specify a range of company numbers. The table part will only show compensation agreements pertaining to companies within the specified range.
Period In this field, you can specify a range of dates. The table part will only show compensation agreements whose period covers at least one date within the specified range.