Commission Agreement Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Commission Agreement Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Customer Group Here you can select a customer group. This will, together with the “Item Group” and “Activity No.” fields, define the target group that, with the amount limit, will point to a commission rate. The commission rate will only be used for sales or profit margin involving customers within this customer group.
Item Group Here you can select an item group. This will, together with the “Customer Group” and “Activity No.” fields, define the target group that, with the amount limit, will point to a commission rate. The commission rate will only be used for sales or profit margin involving items within this item group.
Activity No. Here you can enter an activity number. This will, together with the “Customer Group” and “Item Group” fields, define the target group that, with the amount limit, will point to a commission rate. The commission rate will only be used for sales or profit margin from invoice and credit memo lines from the Job Cost module with this activity number.
Limit Here you can enter an amount limit in enterprise currency. The commission rate will only be used for amounts, converted into enterprise currency, exceeding this limit. It is applied to sales or profit margin, according to which method you have chosen in the Calculation Mode field in the card part of the window.
Commission Rate Enter the percentage rate to be used in the commission calculation. Commission is calculated from either sales or profit margin and only for the target group defined and from amounts greater than the limit.

If the “Calculation Mode” shows: