Applicants Sub-Tab

Use this section to create a line for each applicant for the position, specifying the contact person representing the applicant.

Field Description
Contact Person No. In this field, you must specify the number of the contact person representing the applicant when creating an applicant registration line. Contact persons are created in the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module.
Name This field shows the name of the contact person specified in the field “Contact Person No.” above.
Employee No. If the contact person specified in the field “Contact Person No.” above is assigned to an employee, that is, the person applying for the position on the personnel requisition is already an employee in your organization, this field shows the employee number of the employee in question. If the contact person is not assigned to an employee, this field is blank.
E-mail This field shows the e-mail address of the contact person specified on the current line. The e-mail address of contact persons is specified in the window Contact Persons in the Contact Management module.
Result In this field, you can specify the result or outcome of the current step in the hiring process pertaining to the current applicant, for instance “Invite to Interview” or “Reject.” The field corresponds to the field “Result” on the currently open event in the event flow assigned to the current applicant registration line. Therefore, the options available in the field are the ones available in the option list specified in the field “Result Type” on the event in question.

When you mark the field “Closed” on the current line, the result specified in this field will determine the next step in the process. For further information about this and for information about the correlation between applicant registration lines and event flows, see the introduction to the window “Personnel Requisition Types.”

Closed Mark this field to proceed to the next step in the hiring process for the current applicant. The field corresponds to the field “Closed” on the currently open event in the event flow assigned to the current applicant registration line. Therefore, marking this field on the current line will cause Maconomy to close the event in question and run the action “Create Secondary Events” for the event flow in question. Thereby, the result specified in the field “Result” will determine the next step in the process.

Please note that this requires that the system has been set up as described in the introduction to the window “Personnel Requisition Types.” In particular, the functionality described above is based on the assumption that the field “Create Secondary Events when Closing” is marked on the event flow type specified in the card part of the personnel requisition. If it is not, marking this field will not cause you to proceed to the next step, as Maconomy will then not automatically create an event representing the next step.

For further information about this and for information about the correlation between applicant registration lines and event flows, see the introduction to the window “Personnel Requisition Types.”

Status This field shows the last result entered in the field “Result” on the current line.
Next Step This field shows a short description of the current step in the hiring procedure pertaining to the current applicant registration line, that is, the step which must be carried out in order to proceed in the process. When you have carried out this step, enter the outcome in the field “Result” and mark the field “Closed” to proceed to the next step.

The text is retrieved from the field “Description” on the open event in the event flow assigned to the current applicant registration line.

Total Time Consumption In this field, you can specify the number of hours the employee in the field “Employee No., Time Sheet” has spent working on the current step in the hiring procedure. The field shows the value from the field “Accumulated Time” on the open event in the event flow assigned to the current applicant registration line, and changing the value in this field causes the field on the event to be updated accordingly, and vice versa.

You can use this field if you want time spent on recruitment activities to automatically be transferred to time sheets using the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” in the window Event Flows. When this action is selected, the accumulated time on each event in the selected event flow is transferred to time sheets for the employees specified on the individual events in the flow. For further information, see the description of the action “Transfer to Time Sheet.”

Job No. In this field, you can specify the job on which the time spent on the current step in the hiring process of the current applicant registration line should be posted. The field shows the value from the field “Job No.” on the open event in the event flow assigned to the current applicant registration line, and changing the value in this field causes the field on the event to be updated accordingly, and vice versa.

You can use this field if you want time spent on recruitment activities to automatically be transferred to time sheets using the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” in the window Event Flows. When this action is selected, the accumulated time on each event in the selected event flow is transferred to a time sheet for the employee specified on the event in question, that is, the employee specified in the field “Employee No., Time Sheet” on the current applicant registration line. In the time sheet, the time is registered on a line with the combination of job number, activity and task specified on the event in question. For further information, see the description of the action “Transfer to Time Sheet.”

When you create a line, Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field in the card part of the window. Each time you enter a new step in the hiring process, Maconomy suggests the value specified in the corresponding field in the card part of the event flow assigned to the current line, but you can change the job number here.

Task In this field, you can specify the task on which the time spent on the current step in the hiring process of the current applicant registration line should be posted. The field shows the value from the field “Task” on the open event in the event flow assigned to the current applicant registration line, and changing the value in this field causes the field on the event to be updated accordingly, and vice versa.

You can use this field if you want time spent on recruitment activities to automatically be transferred to time sheets using the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” in the window Event Flows. When this action is selected, the accumulated time on each event in the selected event flow is transferred to a time sheet for the employee specified on the event in question, that is, the employee specified in the field “Employee No., Time Sheet” on the current applicant registration line. In the time sheet, the time is registered on a line with the combination of job number, activity and task specified on the event in question. For further information, see the description of the action “Transfer to Time Sheet.”

Maconomy suggests the value specified in the corresponding field in the card part of the window but you can change the task number here.

Activity No. In this field, you can specify the activity on which the time spent on the current step in the hiring process of the current applicant registration line should be posted. The field shows the value from the field “Activity No.” on the open event in the event flow assigned to the current applicant registration line, and changing the value in this field causes the field on the event to be updated accordingly, and vice versa.

You can use this field if you want time spent on recruitment activities to automatically be transferred to time sheets using the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” in the window Event Flows. When this action is selected, the accumulated time on each event in the selected event flow is transferred to a time sheet for the employee specified on the event in question, that is, the employee specified in the field “Employee No., Time Sheet” on the current applicant registration line. In the time sheet, the time is registered on a line with the combination of job number, activity and task specified on the event in question. For further information, see the description of the action “Transfer to Time Sheet.”

Maconomy suggests the value specified in the corresponding field in the card part of the window but you can change the activity number here.

Employee No., Time Sheet In this field, you can specify the employee who is to handle the current step in the hiring process of the current applicant registration line. The field shows the value from the field “Employee No.” on the open event in the event flow assigned to the current applicant registration line, and changing the value in this field causes the field on the event to be updated accordingly, and vice versa.

You can also use this field if you want time spent on recruitment activities to automatically be transferred to time sheets using the action “Transfer to Time Sheet” in the window Event Flows. When this action is selected, the accumulated time on each event in the selected event flow is transferred to a time sheet for the employee specified on the event in question, that is, the employee specified in this field. In the time sheet, the time is registered on a line with the combination of job number, activity and task specified on the event in question. For further information, see the description of the action “Transfer to Time Sheet.”

Maconomy suggests the value specified in the corresponding field in the card part of the window but you can change the employee number here.

Selected Value 1-10 In these fields, you can specify a number of values for further specification of the current personnel requisition. You can only use values available in the respective option lists specified in the fields “Option List 1-5” in the card part of the window. If a given option list field in the card part has been left blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding value field. The fields can be used for further specification of the applicant registration line.

Maconomy suggests the values specified in the corresponding value fields in the card part of the window but you can change the values here.

Document Archive No. In this field, you can assign a document archive to the current applicant registration line. By assigning a document archive to an applicant registration line, you can keep track of the various documents related to the applicant registration, for example, application, resume, correspondence, contracts, and so on. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.
Description This field shows a description of the document archive specified in the field “Archive No.” above.
Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.