Absence Entry Overview Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Absence Entry Overview tab.

Field Description
Employee Number Enter the employee number for this entry.
Entry Type Enter the entry type.
Absence Type Enter the absence type for this entry.

When you create a Carry Forward registration, the value in this field may be added as allowance to the current period, if allowance in the previous period can cover this.

Entry Date Enter the date of this entry. The meaning of this field is dependent on the type of entry. For entries of type Allowance or Carry Forward with a positive Number of Days, this field (together with Valid Till) determines the period in which the allowance granted by this entry can be used. For entries of type Allowance and Carry Forward with a negative Number of Days, that number will be deducted from entries valid on this Entry Date. For entries of type Allowance Request, this field specifies the date for the request. For entries of type Absence, this field (together with Valid Till) shows the employee's period of absence.
Valid Till Enter the date after which this entry expires. This field can only be completed for entries of type Allowance or Carry Forward with a positive number of days.
Time Registered Enter the duration of the current absence period. If you enter an absence period which overlaps dates for which planning lines have been created in the Detailed Planning workspace, Maconomy issues a warning, and the planned number of hours on the specified days are deleted when the line becomes effective.

This field accepts a decimal number. The number is interpreted as hours or days according to the value in the Time Unit field.

If the time unit is days:
  • The value is limited to be a positive increment of 0.5.
  • The value counts days, including non-working days.

    Thus, registering a duration of two and a half days starting Friday covers Saturday and Sunday, with no actual absence.

If the time unit is hours:
  • Any positive decimal number is accepted.
  • The value counts working hours thus skips non-working days.

    Thus, registering a duration of 20 hours starting Friday extends into Monday and Tuesday (counting absences on those working days).

Time Used The field shows the used allowance on an allowance entry. The value displayed is in hours or days, according to the value of the Time Unit field.
Time Unit This field shows the time unit of the absence entry.
Reason Enter the reason for this entry.
Submitted This field shows whether the current line has been submitted.
Submitted by If the current line has been submitted, this field shows the name of the user who submitted the line.
Date Submitted If the current line has been submitted, this field shows the date when it was submitted.
Approved This field shows whether the current line has been approved.
Approved by If the current line has been approved, this field shows the name of the user who approved the line.
Approval Date If the current line has been approved, this field shows the date when it was approved.
Rejected This field shows whether the current line has been rejected.
Rejected by If the current line has been rejected, this field shows the name of the user who rejected the line.
Rejected on If the current line has been rejected, this field shows the date when it was rejected.
Reason for Rejection If the current line has been rejected, this field shows the reason for its rejection.
Entry Date Enter the entry date for the new Allowance entry.
Valid Till Enter the date after which the new Allowance entry will expire.
Number of Days Enter the number of days granted on the new Allowance entry.
Reason Enter the reason for approval of this entry.