Vendor reconciliations Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vendor reconciliations sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Date This is the date the entry was posted to the general ledger and accounts payable. The date identifies the posting period.
Trans. No. This is the entry’s transaction number. If the entry is an invoice or credit memo, the number was given manually in the Vendor Invoices or General Journal window. If it is a payment, cash discount or exchange rate difference, the number was allocated by Maconomy from “Vendor Payment” system numbers when you approved the payment selection.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the vendor entry against which the vendor entry in the card part was balanced.
Description This is the entry text. If the entry is an invoice or credit memo, the text was entered manually in the Vendor Invoices or General Journal window. If it is a payment, cash discount or exchange rate difference, it was entered by Maconomy when you approved the payment selection.
Debit, Currency This is the entry amount in the vendor’s standard currency, if it is a debit entry.
Credit, Currency This field shows the entry amount in the vendor’s standard currency, if it is a credit entry.
Reconciled, Currency This field shows how much of the entry has been reconciled, including cash discount. If the entry is fully reconciled, the amount here is the same as the amount in the “Debit in Standard” or “Credit in Standard” field. The amount is shown in the vendor’s standard currency. An entry can also be reconciled in full by other reconciliations.
Discount, Currency This field shows how much cash discount was given for the payment in this reconciliation. The amount is shown in the vendor’s standard currency.
Payment Mode This shows the payment mode, for example, check.
Invoice No. This field shows the number of the invoice on which the entry appears.
Check No. This field shows the number of the check used for payment of the current vendor entry.
Payment No. This field shows the number of the payment. Together with the payment group number and the payment line number, the payment number refers to the windows Show Automatic Payment, Show Payment Remittance, and Show Payment Reconciliation in the Banking module. The number is used for tracing payment information on a vendor entry.
Check Book This field shows the check book used in connection with payment of the current vendor entry.
Payment Group No. This field shows the number of the payment group used by some banks for grouping electronic payments.
Payment Line No. This field shows the number of the payment line which is used as reference to the current payment order.
Type This shows where the entry originated. The following types exist:
  • Vendor Invoice, registered in the Vendor Invoices window.
  • Vendor Credit Memo, registered in the Vendor Credit Memos window.
  • Credit General Journal, credit entry registered in the General Journal window.
  • Debit General Journal, debit entry registered in the General Journal window.
  • Vendor Payment, payment selection approved in the Change Payment Selection by Vendor or Approve Payment Selection windows in the Banking module.
  • Vendor Cash Discount, payment selection approved in the Change Payment Selection by Vendor or Approve Payment Selection windows in the Banking module.
  • Exchange Rate Difference, payment selection approved in the Change Payment Selection by Vendor or Approve Payment Selection windows in the Banking module.
Debit, Base This is the entry amount in the base currency, if it is a debit entry.
Credit, Base This is the entry amount in the base currency, if it is a credit entry.
Reconciled, Base This shows how much of the entry has been reconciled, including cash discount. If the entry is fully reconciled, the amount here is the same as the amount in the “Debit in Standard” or “Credit in Standard” field. The amount is shown in the base currency.

Note that the entry can be reconciled in full by other reconciliations.

Discount, Base This shows how much cash discount was given for the payment in this reconciliation. The amount is shown in the base currency.
Amount, Original This is the entry’s original currency amount in the original currency.
Original Currency This is the currency the entry was originally entered in.
Open/Closed This field shows whether the entry is “Open” or “Closed.”

A vendor invoice or credit memo is open until it has been paid or reconciled. A payment, discount or exchange rate entry is always registered as closed.

A vendor’s balance is equal to the sum of the remainder of all open entries.

Due Date This is the entry’s due date. The due date of a vendor invoice is found from the invoice date and the vendor’s terms of payment.

The value is retrieved from the Vendor Invoices or General Journal window.

Date Posted This is the date the invoice was posted to the accounts receivable and general ledger.
Journal No. This is the number of the journal the entry was posted in.
Responsible This is the person responsible for approving invoice from the vendor. It is used for reference and is printed on the list of nonapproved vendor invoices, which is grouped in employees responsible for approving these invoices.
Company of Origin This field displays the company which initiated the entry displayed.
Company No. This field displays the value of the Company dimension specified for the current vendor entry.

For a description of the “Company” dimension, please see the description of the Company Information window in the G/L module.

Location See the description of the field “Company No.” and the description of the Locations window in the G/L module.
Entity See the description of the field “Company No.” and the description of the Entities window in the G/L module.
Project See the description of the field “Company No.” and the description of the Projects window in the G/L module.
Purpose See the description of the field “Company No.” and the description of the Purposes window in the G/L module.
Spec. 1-3 See the description of the field “Company No.” and the description of the Specification 1-3 windows in the G/L module.
Local Spec. 1-3 See the description of the field “Company No.” and the description of the Local Specification 1-3 windows in the G/L module.