Employee Positions Sub-Tab

This section shows the individual positions held by the current employee throughout his or her employment with the company, and the table part thus functions as an employee position history

Field Description
Position No. In this field, you can specify the number of a position created in the window Position Information Card.
Name In this field, you can specify the name of the position on the current line. Maconomy suggests the name specified on the information card of the position entered in the field “Position No.” on the line, but you can change the name here.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current position.
Date Employed In this field, you can enter the date on which the employee takes up the position on the current line. When creating a line with a termination position, Maconomy automatically transfers the value from the field “Termination Date” to this field, unless you have manually specified another date. This is done because the termination position represents a point in time rather than a period.
Termination Date In this field, you can specify the date at which the employee ceases to hold the position specified on the current line. However, if a termination position has been specified on the line, this field represents the date on which the employee’s employment with the company was/is to be terminated. As a termination usually represents a point in time rather than a period, Maconomy automatically transfers the value from this field to the fields “Engagement Date,” “Last Working Day,” and “Last Payday” when creating a line with a termination position, unless you have manually specified other values.

If a termination position has been specified on the line, the field “Termination Date” in the card part is automatically updated each time you change the date in this field. However, if the table part contains more than one line with a termination position, the card part is only updated if you enter a termination date later than that of the other lines with termination positions.

Termination This field shows whether the position specified on the current line is a termination position. Positions are marked as termination positions in the window Position Information Card. For further information on the use of termination positions and their functionality, please see the introduction to this window and the description of the field “Termination” in the window Position Information Card.
Last Working Day In this field, you can specify the employee’s last working day in the position specified on the line. When creating a line with a termination position, Maconomy automatically transfers the value from the field “Termination Date” to this field, unless you have manually specified another date. This is done because the termination position represents a point in time rather than a period.
Last Payday In this field, you can specify the employee’s last payday related to the position specified on the line. When creating a line with a termination position, Maconomy automatically transfers the value from the field “Termination Date” to this field, unless you have manually specified another date.
Week Calendar No. In this field, you can specify the number of a week calendar created in the window Week Calendars in the Set-Up module. This way, you can indicate the week calendar applying to the employee during his or her employment in the position on the line. Maconomy continuously updates the employee’s information card in the window Employees with the week calendar specified on the position line with the latest starting date, unless you leave the field blank, in which case the employee information is not updated.

Changing the week calendar in the window Employees does, however, not cause the position line with the latest starting date to be updated accordingly. Therefore, if you want the week calendar used by Maconomy, for example, for looking up the number of working hours in a given week to be different from the one specified on the latest position line, you must specify the relevant week calendar in the window Employees.

Selected Value 1-5 In these fields, you can specify a number of values for further specification of the employee position, for instance to indicate the reason for the position change. You can only select values available in the respective option lists specified in the island Option List Fields in the information card of the position specified on the current line. If a given option list field in the position information card has been left blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding value field.
Date 1-5 In these fields, you can specify a number of dates pertaining to the current employee position. The fields are for information only.
Remark 1-3 In these fields, you can specify a number of remarks pertaining to the current employee position. The fields are for information only.
Document Archive No. In this field, you can assign a document archive to the employee position on the current line. The document archive assigned to an employee position can, for example, contain files such as the employment contract, termination papers, or other documents relevant to the employee position. You can only specify a document archive to which you have been granted access. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module. See the description of that window for further information on the use of document archives.
Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.
Approved This field shows whether the current employee position has been approved. The approval of employee positions is not part of standard Maconomy functionality, but if you wish to be able to approve employee positions, you can set up a workflow using the Workflow module, allowing you to add an approval action to, for example, Portal components in which positions are registered.
Approved by This field shows the name of the user who approved the current employee position. If the position has not been approved, this field is blank. For further information, see the field “Approved” above.
Approval Date This field shows the date on which the current employee position was approved. If the position has not been approved, this field is blank. For further information, see the field “Approved” above.
Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the information on the current line.
Created on This field shows the date on which the information on the current line was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the last user who changed the information on the current line.
Changed on This field shows the last date on which the information on the current line was changed.
Version This field shows the version number of the current line, indicating how many times information has been changed on the line.

Maconomy automatically increases the version number by one every time the information is changed. It is not possible to retrieve previous versions.