Employee Positions Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to enter positions that are available to employees in your company.

The Employee Positions tab displays information about the currently selected employee. The Employee Positions sub-tab displays the previous positions in the company that the current employee held, and thus functions as an employee position history. This enables you to see information about previous positions held by an employee.
Note: Each tab field functions the same as the corresponding field in the tab in the Employees workspace. Updating information here causes the corresponding information to be updated accordingly, and vice-versa.

Browse through the employees created in the Employees single dialog workspace in the Set-up module.

You can add employee positions for any employee created in the Employees single dialog workspace in the Set-up module.

When an employee changes to another position, such as for a promotion, enter the new position by adding a line in the sub-tab, entering the effective date in the Date Employed field, and entering additional information about the person's employment in the new position.

Define the time period during which the employee is to hold the position on a given line by entering the employment date and leaving the termination date blank (if the position runs for an indefinite period) or by entering both the employment date and a termination date (if the end of the period is known). If you leave the termination date blank on a given line and add a line with a later employment date, Maconomy automatically populates the termination date for the line with the earlier employment date, so that the period on that line ends on the day before the employment date on the new line. This prevents the periods from overlapping.

When a person's employment with the company is terminated, enter information about the termination in the line where you specify a termination position. A termination position is a regular position that you create in the Position Information Card single dialog workspace with the Termination field selected.

By adding a line with a termination position, you can, for example, enter information about the reason for the termination and store documents that pertain to the termination. When you enter a termination position in a line in the Employee Positions sub-tab, Maconomy automatically populates the Last Working Day and Last Payday fields with the date that you entered in the Termination Date field, resulting in a period of only one day. Maconomy does this because the termination position represents a point in time, rather than a period. However, you can change the dates in the line to match any agreements made with the employee regarding the termination.

You can also skip the creation of a termination position line, instead entering a termination date for the last position that the employee held. However, using that method means that you cannot keep information about the termination separate from the last position. For instance, you must store any documents that pertain to the termination in the same archive as the documents that pertain to the last position, which makes it difficult to see what pertains to the position and what pertains to the termination.