Draft Invoices Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Draft Invoices sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the job number associated with the invoice draft.
Job Name This field shows the job name associated with the invoice draft.
Bill to Customer No. This field shows the customer number associated with the customer to which the invoice will be sent.
Bill to Customer This field shows the name of the customer to which the invoice will be sent.
Type This field shows whether this invoice draft involves a credit or a debit transaction.
Print Draft Select this checkbox to include the line in the batch printing of draft invoices.
Invoice Currency This field shows the currency of the invoice.
Amount for Invoicing This field shows the billing price for invoicing. The invoice currency is also shown and If it is an invoice on account then the invoice currency may differ from the jobs currency.
Up/Down This field shows the amount by which the invoiceable amount has been written up or down, expressed in the currency of the job.
Submitted A check mark in this field shows if the invoice allocation on the job has been submitted.
Submit Draft Use this action to submit the draft.
Approved This field shows whether the invoice draft has already been approved. Approved drafts are only shown if the “Show Approved” field in the Selection Criteria island has been marked.
Approve Draft This field allows the project manager to mark an invoice draft for approval. When marked for approval, the invoice draft will be included in the totals displayed in the Totals island. To approve drafts marked for approval, select the “Approve Drafts” action from the Action menu.
Created on This field shows the date on which the invoice draft was created.
Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Print Draft This field allows the project manager to mark an invoice draft for printing. When marked for printing, the invoice draft will be included in the totals displayed in the Totals island. To approve drafts marked for printing, select the “Print Drafts” action from the Action menu.
Invoice Date This field shows the invoice date that will appear on the invoice after approval.
Total Incl. Tax This field shows the total invoiceable amount including tax, expressed in the currency of the invoice.
Tax, Invoice Currency This field shows the applicable tax level on the invoice amount, expressed in the currency of the invoice. If multiple tax levels have been enabled, two or three continuously numbered fields will replace this field, stating the applicable tax levels on the job. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”
Invoice Discount % This field shows the applicable invoice discount percentage on the job. If no discount applies, the value will be zero.
Invoice Discount, Invoice Currency This field shows the applicable invoice discount amount on the job, expressed in the currency of the invoice.
Invoice Discount, Currency This field shows the applicable invoice discount amount on the job, expressed in the currency of the job.
Invoiced Prior, Currency This field shows the amount already invoiced on the job, expressed in the currency of the job.
Up/Down Prior, Currency This field shows the amount by which the invoiceable amount has previously been written up or down on this job, expressed in the currency of the job.
Net on Account, Currency This field shows the amount to invoice on account, expressed in the currency of the job.
Invoice Name This is the name of the invoice.
Invoice Type This field shows the invoice type as T&M for T&M invoices, On Account for on account invoices, and T&M and On Account for invoices that include both.
Total Incl. Tax, Currency This field shows the total invoiceable amount including tax, expressed in the currency of the job.
Currency This field shows the currency of the job.
Draft No. This is the number of the draft invoice.
Invoice Amount, Base This field shows the amount to be invoiced, expressed in the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.
Up/Down, Base This field shows the amount by which the invoiceable amount has been written up or down, expressed in the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.
Invoice Discount, Base This field shows the applicable discount amount on the job, expressed in the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.
Invoiced Prior, Base This field shows the amount already invoiced on the job, expressed in the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.
Up/Down Prior, Base This field shows the amount by which the job has previously been written up or down, expressed in the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.
Tax, Base This field shows the applicable tax level on the invoice amount, expressed in the base currency. If multiple tax levels have been enabled, two or three continuously numbered fields will replace this field, stating the applicable tax levels on the job. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”
Net on Account, Base This field shows the amount to invoice on account, expressed in the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.
Total Incl. Tax, Base This field shows the total invoiceable amount including tax, expressed in the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency of the company to which the job belongs.
Project Manager No. This field shows the number of the project manager associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Created by This field shows who created the invoice draft.
Department This field shows the department to which the job associated with the invoice draft belongs.
Sales Rep. No. This field shows the number of the sales representative associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Sales Rep. This field shows the name of the sales representative associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Customer Group This field shows the customer group associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Customer No. This field shows the customer number associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Customer This field shows the name of the customer associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Company No. This field shows the company number associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Company This field shows the name of the company associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Settling Company No. This field shows the settling company number associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Settling Company This field shows the name of the settling company associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Location This field shows the name of the location associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Entity This field shows the name of the entity associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Project This field shows the name of the project associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.
Purpose This field shows the purpose associated with the invoice draft.
Spec. 1-3 These fields show specifications for the invoice draft.
Local Spec. 1-3 These fields show local specifications for the invoice draft.
Employee 1-10 These fields show the names of employees who are associated with the job to which the invoice draft belongs.