Skill Requirements Workspace

Use this workspace to assign skills to a job's planning budget lines on which you have specified time activities.

You can define the skills that are required for employees to be assigned to a task that you specified in the planning budget.

The tab displays information about the current job budget line and the employee who is assigned to it. In the sub-tab, you can create a list of skill requirements that should be met for the job budget line in question. You can specify whether a skill is mandatory, preferred, undesired, or disallowed, as well as which level of the skill the employee who will perform the work on the task should possess.

The functionality in this workspace also applies to the Job Planning workspace in the Job Cost module. However, in that workspace you can only enter one skill requirement for each budget line. Entering information in the Skill No., Level, and Requirement Type fields in that workspace corresponds to creating a line in the Skill Requirements sub-tab in this workspace. If you change a requirement in either of the two workspaces, the change is also reflected in the other workspace.

If you use this workspace together with the Job Planning or Job Budgets workspaces, this workspace automatically displays the job budget line that you are currently browsing in the Job Cost module.

You can modify, delete, or insert from a job budget line a skill requirement if the budget line belongs to the latest budget revision, but you have not yet approved the revision. If you have submitted the budget, Maconomy gives you a warning, and the budget is no longer submitted. Thus you should resubmit it after you modify the skill requirement on the budget line so that it can be approved.