Picking Lists Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Picking Lists Tab.

Picking List Island

Field Description
Picking List No. This field shows the number of the current picking list. When a new picking list is created, it is automatically assigned a number from the system number series Picking List. The number cannot be changed manually.
Warehouse This field shows the warehouse in which the picking is to take place. When creating a picking list manually, you can select a warehouse in this field, but the field cannot be changed once you have pressed Return.
Approved This field is automatically marked when the picking list is approved. A picking list can be approved by selecting the action “Approve Picking List” in this window. However, in the case of picking lists created from warehouse transactions (which may themselves have been created from, for example, sales orders, item purchase orders or item movements), the picking list is approved upon creation.

The approval is an indication that you have completed the line entry, and the picking list is ready for further processing. A picking list must be approved to be printed or closed.

Approved by This field shows the name of the user who approved the current picking list. If the picking list was approved by selecting in another window an action that results in the automatic creation and approval of a picking list, this field shows the name of the user who selected that action.
Closed This field shows whether the current picking list has been closed. The closing of a picking list indicates that you have now reported the items actually moved, along with the actual quantities and the source and target locations. It is not possible to change the table part of a closed picking list.

A picking list can be closed manually by selecting the action “Close Picking List.” When you close a picking list which is assigned to a warehouse transaction, and the picking list results in the full implementation of the warehouse transaction in question, the warehouse transaction is automatically closed. A warehouse transaction is fully implemented when all of the items on it have been moved to or from the locations specified on each line in the correct quantities, according to the closed picking lists assigned to the transaction. However, if the field “Implicit Warehouse Transactions” has been marked for the current warehouse in the window Warehouse Information Card, Maconomy always closes a warehouse transaction when a related picking list is closed, even if the warehouse transaction was not fully implemented.

Closed by This field shows the name of the user who closed the picking list.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the warehouse to which the picking list is assigned.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks In this field, you can specify any remarks about the current picking list.

References Island

Field Description
Order No. If the current picking list is related to a sales or credit order, this field shows the number of the order in question. The value in this field cannot be changed manually.
Item Purchase Order No. If the current picking list is related to an item purchase order, this field shows the number of the item purchase order in question. The value in this field cannot be changed manually.
Production Transaction No. If the current picking list is related to a BOM production, this field shows the number of the production transaction in question. The value in this field cannot be changed manually.
Transaction No. If the current picking list was created from a warehouse transaction, this field shows the number of the transaction in question. Please note that if a picking list is related to any of the other registration types in this island, it is also related to a warehouse transaction.

User Island

See the “Getting Started” topic for a description of the fields in the island User.