Dimension Derivation Line Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Dimension Derivation Line sub-tab.

Field Description
Dimension Derivation Name In this field, you can enter the name of a dimension derivation principle.

Maconomy will use the setting from this principle if the registration matches the target group specified in the following fields.

Company No. In this field, you enter a company number for which you want this dimension derivation to be invoked.
Period From In this field you enter a date. In combination with the field “Period To,” this field forms a range of this field forms an range of dates.
Period To The functionality of this field corresponds to the “Period From” field above.
Transaction Type Group No. In this field you enter the transaction type group for which you want this dimension derivation to be invoked. You cannot delete a transaction type group if it is used in a dimension derivation selection line.
Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the dimension derivation selection. The name cannot be changed.
Created on This is the date when the dimension derivation selection was created. It cannot be changed.
Changed by This field shows the name of the user who changed the dimension derivation selection.
Changed on This is the date when the dimension derivation selection was last changed.
Version This field shows the dimension derivation selection’s version number. This is not the same as a revision number. The version number is updated every time that a user makes a change to the dimension derivation selection.