Show Exported Files Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Exported Files tab.

Export Information Island

Field Description
Run No. This field shows the number of the run associated with the current export file.
No. Entries This field shows the number of entries in the current file. This includes Record Start/End lines, Sector Start/End lines, and so on that are included in the file in accordance with the export specification.
Number of Data Entries This field shows the number of data entries exported in the current file. The field shows the actual number of G/L entries exported, that is, the number of lines in the file less the number of structure lines as described in the field “No. Entries” above.
Total Amount This field shows the total amount of all exported entries in the current file. The field shows the absolute value of exported amounts, that is, the sign does not affect the amount. An export of two lines with an amount of “100” and “-100,” respectively, will produce the result “200.”