Company Specific Payment Information Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Company Specific Payment Information tab.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. This field displays the number of the customer. It cannot be changed. To retrieve a customer, you can use the search functions in the Find menu.

The other lines in this field show the customer’s name and address. This information is copied from the window Company Specific Information Card.

Attn. This field displays the customer attention person. This information is copied from the window Company Specific Information Card.
Country This field displays the country code of the customer. This information is copied from the window Company Specific Information Card.

When you change the country code in this window, Maconomy checks that the rules of validation for tax and social security/federal ID numbers in the window Rules of Validation are observed.

Phone This field displays the customer’s telephone number. This information is copied from the window Company Specific Information Card.
Giro This field displays the customer’s giro account number. (This applies to countries with a national giro system.) This information is used for references and is copied from the window Company Specific Information Card.
Currency This field displays the customer’s standard currency. The standard currency is specified in the field “Currency” in the window Company Specific Customer Information Card.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field displays the name and number of the settling company on the current company-specific customer’s information card. The settling company is the company which has the claim against the customer and the company to which the customer must make payments. The settling company’s accounts also include the customer which means that the value in this field is transferred to the customer entries created on the current customer upon posting. If another company completes postings on the company-specific customer, this will automatically lead to inter- company entries of the type “CustomerCollection” between the two companies. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Payment Control Island

Field Description
Cust. Payment Mode In this field you select the mode in which the customer will normally be paying. The customer payment mode is used for selecting the customer payment mode and the payment agent and is transferred when you create invoices and credit memos. The customer payment mode can, however, be changed on the individual invoice or credit memo or in the window Change Payment Selection in the Banking module. The customer payment mode is furthermore used for calculating the customer’s payer ID. Payment modes are maintained in the window Payment Modes in the Banking module.
Collection Agreement In this field, you can enter the agreement number that the current customer has been assigned at the payment agent who is connected to the selected customer payment mode. The field is only used for electronic customer payment modes.
Collection Gr. No. In this field, you can specify the collection group number to which the current customer belongs. The collection group number is supplied by the payment agent. If the payment mode of the customer is electronic, you must specify a collection group number in this field.
Global Location No. If the customer has requested that you use a specific global location number on invoices, you can specify the location number in question here. The number specified here will be suggested on all sales orders, jobs, and so on, assigned to the customer, and thus in turn flow to the resultant invoices. However, the global location number can be changed on the individual sales orders, jobs, and so on. if another location number is to be used in a specific context.

For further information about the concept of global location numbers, see the introduction to the window Company Locations.

Payer Id. This field displays the company-specific customer’s payer identification. The payer identification is used in connection with electronic payments. For further information about payment modes, see the description of the window Payment Modes in the Banking module.
Control Account Here you can select a posting reference to a G/L account. All entries to the customer are posted to the General Ledger to the A/R control account specified here. Accounts Receivable is thus an aggregation of the A/R control accounts in the General Ledger. For example, you can group your customers in domestic and foreign customers in the General Ledger.

References to control accounts are specified in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Automatic Reconciliation Mark this field if you want Maconomy to automatically reconcile accounts receivable entries (payments, invoices, credit memos) during posting. If marked, Maconomy will always reconcile against the oldest open entry or entries that can be reconciled totally or partially by the amount being posted. This means that a customer with a debit balance will never have open credit entries, and the customer’s open debit entries will always be their most recent. Similarly, a customer with a credit balance will never have open debit entries, and this customer’s open credit entries will also be their most recent.

If this field is not marked, all entries to the customer will be registered as open entries. The user must then manually reconcile each entry in the window Customer Payments in the Accounts Receivable module.

Payments can also be reconciled in the General Journal by entering the number of the invoice the payment covers.

Blocked Here you specify whether the customer is blocked or on stop. If this field is marked, the customer is blocked and you cannot create quotes, sales orders, manual invoices or jobs for the given customer. However, you can create invoices from the Job Cost module for existing, open jobs.

This functionality can be used, for example, in connection with a current reminder procedure.

Payment Terms Here you select the payment terms that will normally apply to the customer. These terms are used to calculate the date an invoice becomes due for payment.

Payment Terms are maintained in the pop-up field “Payment Terms” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Expected Days to Payment This field is similar to the Expected Days to Payment field in the Payment Information window. However, in this field, you have the option to enter the value provided by the customer.

The set-up of linking rules in the Linking Rules window in the Set-up module determined what information is inherited from customers to company-specific customers. For example, if there is a linking rule from the “Customer” table to the “Company Customer” table that specifies that all customer information, except for fields such as Att. and Phone, should be inherited to company-specific customers with the standard linking method “Full,” Maconomy copies the relevant information to the company-specific customer’s information cards using this linking rule. The selected linking rule therefore determines if this field is changeable.

Cash Discount Here you can select a code to specify the maximum cash discount given to the customer when entries are reconciled. Maconomy verifies that the discount limit is not exceeded upon reconciliation of payments. A cash discount code is a reference to a discount percentage. The codes are maintained in the pop-up field “Cash Discount Codes” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

The cash discount is automatically posted to a G/L account for cash discounts. The reference to this account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the window Posting References in the G/L module. This allows you to sort cash discounts by department in the General Ledger.

Credit Card No. If the customer wants to pay by credit card, you can enter the number of the credit card in this field. Information in this field will automatically be transferred to new quotes and sales orders. Please note that the field is for information only, as Maconomy’s Banking module does not support payment by credit card. If you enter a credit card number, you must also specify an expiry date.
Expiry Date In this field, you enter the expiration date of the credit card specified in the field “Credit Card No.” above.

Bill to Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. In this field, enter a bill-to customer number if items are delivered to one customer, but billed to another. The bill-to customer thus represents the customer to whom invoices are to be sent.

This bill-to customer is copied from the window Company Specific Information Card and cannot be changed in this window.

Maconomy also shows the name and address of the bill-to customer. This information is copied from the window Company Specific Information Card and cannot be changed in this window.

Attn. This is name of the bill-to customer’s attention person - the person to whom payment information directed. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Country This is the bill-to customer’s country. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Phone This is the bill-to customer’s telephone number. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.

Balance Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This field displays the company-specific customer’s balance in the standard currency of the customer. Maconomy updates the balance when you post journals with customer entries. It cannot be changed.

Note that the corresponding field in the window Payment Information displays the collective balance of the parent customer for the assigned company-specific customers in the customer’s standard currency.

Balance, Base This field displays the customer’s balance in the base currency of the customer’s settling company. Maconomy automatically updates the balance when you post journals with customer entries. It cannot be changed.

Note that the field “Balance, Enterprise” in the window Payment Information displays the collective balance of the parent customer for the assigned company-specific customers in the enterprise currency of the system.

Order Volume, Base This field displays the customer’s current order volume, expressed in the base currency of the customer’s settling company. It is updated when you approve sales and credit orders for which the customer is invoiced. The order sum is also updated when you enter and delete lines in previously approved sales and credit orders. After invoices and credit memos have been posted, the amount is transferred to the customer’s balance.

The order volume is included in the credit limit calculation. If the order volume and balance add up to more than the customer’s credit limit, the limit is exceeded.

Note that the field “Order Volume, Enterprise” in the window Payment Information displays the collective order volume of the parent customer for the assigned company-specific customers in the enterprise currency of the system.

Note that sales and credit orders which have been transferred to a job are not included in the calculation of the order volume. As the order volume only represents information on the total amount on approved sales and credit orders, this field does not show the amount registered on jobs to which the current customer has been assigned. Non-invoiced job cost registrations are therefore not included in the calculation of the customer’s credit limit.

Credit Limit Island

Field Description
Company Level, Base In this field, you specify the company-specific customer’s credit limit in the base currency of the customer’s settling company.

If you create a company-specific customer from an existing customer for whom an amount has been specified in the field “Company Level, Enterprise,” this amount will be copied from the customer’s payment information card to this company-specific customer. If the base currency of the company-specific customer is different from the enterprise currency, the amount copied will be converted into the base currency of the customer in question.

In this context, you should also consider that if this field has been assigned to a linking rule using the linking method “Partial” between a customer and a company-specific customer, and if the enterprise currency corresponds to the company-specific customer’s base currency, Maconomy will use the linking method “Partial” as normal. However, if the enterprise currency and the base currency do not correspond, Maconomy will automatically convert the amount specified in this field to the company-specific customer’s base currency and copy it to the field “Company Level, Base” in the window Company Specific Payment Information. Maconomy performs this currency conversion considering that the user has decided the contents of this field, meaning that the amount specified in base currency will not be changed when the amount in enterprise currency is changed in this window.

Whether or not you are able to change the amount in this field after creation, will depend on the linking rule used in the current situation.

If you try to create invoices, sales orders and quotes to a company-specific customer, Maconomy will verify that the credit limit of both the company-specific customer and the parent customer is not exceeded. If either credit limit is exceeded, Maconomy displays an error message.

Interest Charge/Reminder Control Island

Field Description
Interest Charge/Reminder Principle In this field, you specify the interest charge/reminder principle to be used for the current customer. Interest charge/reminder principles are maintained in the window Interest Charge/Reminder Principles. For further information about interest charge/reminder principles, see the description of this window.
Reminder Text Group In this field, you can specify the name of a reminder text group that you want to associate with the dispatch of reminder letters to the current customer. For further information about reminder texts, see the description of the windows Reminder Texts and Reminder Text Groups.
Last Interest Date This field displays the last interest charge date of the current customer. The date in this field is set on the basis of the date in the corresponding field on the assigned company-specific customer’s payment information cards. The customer’s last interest charge is therefore the last of the company-specific customer’s registered interest charge dates.
Current Reminder Level This field displays the reminder level of the customer. The customer’s reminder level equals the highest reminder level specified on an entry for the current customer. The reminder level is raised by 1 for each time a reminder is sent to the customer. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed in this window.

The contents of this field can also be copied to a parent customer. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Last Interest Date.”

Date of Last Reminder This field displays the last reminder date of the current customer. If the current company-specific customer has been assigned to a parent customer, the date in this field will affect the date displayed in the corresponding field on the parent customer’s payment information card. As the date of the last reminder is always copied to the parent customer, the date of the last reminder is therefore the last of the assigned company-specific customer’s registered reminder dates.

Electronic Collection Island

Field Description
Selected for Collection This field shows whether the current customer has been selected for collection. If the field is completed, the customer is either selected or being selected for collection. Collection selections can be created in the window Collection Selection in the Banking module. The field cannot be changed.
No. Entries Selected This field shows the number of entries that have been selected for collection on the current customer. The number in this field is the collective total of all assigned company-specific customer’s selected entries.

Print Status Island

Field Description
Last Statement No. This shows the number of the last historical account statement printed out for the customer. Historical statements are printed out in the window Print Historical Customer Statement. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed.
Date of Last Statement This is the date the customer’s last historical statement was created. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed.
Date of Last Account Printout This is the date a customer statement was last printed. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed.