Fiscal Year Periods Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Fiscal Year Periods sub-tab.

Field Description
Period This field shows the number of the period on the current line.
Period Start In this field, enter the starting date of the fiscal year period you are defining. The periods in a fiscal year must be changed backwards. When you start editing the fiscal year by, for example, deleting a period, the field “Blocked” is marked in the Fiscal Year Periods sub-tab, and it is no longer possible to post entries to companies using the fiscal year template in question. The template is automatically unblocked when the fiscal year is complete again, meaning that the periods cover the whole fiscal year without any gaps.

Once entries have been created in a given fiscal year, the periods in the year in question can no longer be changed.

Period End In this field, enter the ending date of the fiscal year period you are creating or editing. For further information, please see the description of the field “Period Start” above.
Month In this field, you can enter the number of a month. Maconomy creates a link between the specified month and the period number on the same line. When Maconomy needs you to specify a month and a year, for example, in the Print Balance Sheet workspace, the month you specify should correspond to a month number in this field. Maconomy uses the month specified in the Print Balance Sheet workspace to find the correct line in the Fiscal Year Periods sub-tab. Once the line has been found, Maconomy finds the correct period in the field “Period” on the line in question.

If a fiscal year consists of, for example, four periods, period one could be month one, period two could be month four, and so on. If the month specified in, for example, the Print Balance Sheet workspace does not exist, Maconomy issues an error message.

Year In this field, enter the year which the current period concerns. The same combination of month and year can only be entered once.
Name The user can enter the name of the period in this field. For example “January.”