Stock Locations Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Stock Locations Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify a number or name for the current location. Once the line has been created, you can no longer change the location number.
Storage Loc. In this field, you can specify whether the current location is intended for use as a storage location. A storage location is a location at which you normally store items after they have been checked upon receipt and until they are to be shipped or moved to other locations.

This field is used in the procedure for finding target locations when picking lists are created from warehouse transactions. When you create picking lists from warehouse transactions regarding the current warehouse Maconomy attempts to find a target location for those lines on which no target location was specified on the warehouse transaction for instance because it was created from an item receipt. To find a target location, Maconomy runs through a procedure which is described in detail in the description of the action “Print Picking List,” part of which consists of running through locations marked as storage locations. If a location does not have a mark in this field, it is discounted in step 4 of the procedure for finding a target location, even if there are units of the item in question stored at it.

Picking Loc. In this field, you can specify whether the current location is intended for use as a picking location. A picking location is a location from which you usually pick items to prepare them for packing even though the items stored at the picking location are also stored at other locations in the warehouse. This can, for example, be due to the fact that the picking location is situated closer to the packing area.

When you create picking lists from warehouse transactions regarding the current warehouse Maconomy attempts to find a source location for those lines on which no source location was specified on the warehouse transaction for instance because it was created from a sales order. To find a source location, Maconomy runs a procedure which is described in detail in the description of the action “Print Picking List,” part of which consists of checking all locations marked as picking locations. If a location does not have a mark in this field, it is discounted in step 4 of the procedure for finding a source location, even if there are units of the item in question stored at it.

Shipment Loc. In this field, you can specify whether the current location is intended for use as a shipping location. A shipping location is a location to which you normally move items to pack and ship them. If you do not mark the field, Maconomy will display a warning if you specify the current location as the shipping location on, for example, an order or a quote, or if you specify it as a standard shipping location for the warehouse.
Receipt Loc. In this field, you can specify whether the current location is intended for use as a receiving location. A receiving location is a location at which you normally register the receipt of items and check them before moving them to their respective storage locations. If you do not mark the field, Maconomy will display a warning if you specify the current location as the receiving location on, for example, an item purchase order or an inventory change for receipt, or if you specify it as a standard receiving location for the warehouse
Blocked for Picking If you mark this field, the current location is ignored in the procedures for finding a source location for a picking list line being created. However, the location is not ignored in those steps in the procedure where Maconomy tries to find a standard picking location for the warehouse or item in question. This means that a blocked location can be used as a source location if it has been specified as the standard picking location on a warehouse or an item. A blocked location can also be specified manually as the source location on picking lists and warehouse transactions.
Blocked for Receipt If you mark this field, the current location is ignored in the procedures for finding a target location for a picking list line being created. However, the location is not ignored in those steps in the procedure where Maconomy tries to find a standard storage location for the warehouse or item in question. This means that a blocked location can be used as a target location if it has been specified as the standard storage location on a warehouse or an item. A blocked location can also be specified manually as the target location on picking lists and warehouse transactions.
Empty Loc. This field is marked if no items are currently registered as stored at the current location.
Text 1-5 In these fields, you can write any extra remarks about the current location.
Weight Here you enter the net weight in kilos of the item entry. The weight will be rounded off to the nearest whole kilo, 1 kg being the smallest possible value. When you enter a new item entry, the net weight per unit is retrieved from the “Net Weight (kg.)” field in the item information card.
Volume Here you enter the item’s volume per pricing unit.