Show Payment Remittance Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to review the payment orders that Maconomy creates in the automatic payment process. The tab shows a payment order that will be sent to a payment agent, and the sub-tab shows the remittance information that will be sent to the vendor with each payment.

Maconomy creates the information that you see in this workspace when you make a payment selection in the Payment Selection workspace. You can change and delete the automatically created remittance lines or create additional lines. If you select the Create Remittance Lines option for a payment mode, Maconomy includes the lines in the payment file that it subsequently creates in the Payment Files workspace.

When a payment for a vendor contains many entries, it might exceed the maximum number of remittance lines for the vendor allowed by the payment agent. Maconomy resolves this problem by splitting the payment into multiple payment lines. For example, if a maximum of four remittance lines are allowed per payment, and you select six entries for payment to a vendor, Maconomy splits the payment into two payments, one with four entries and one with two entries.