Job Overview Tab

Use this tab to get a general overview of a job, including budgeted cost and billing price, hours entered, total amount of committed purchase orders, total amount invoiced, pre-invoice totals, customer balance due, and revenue recognized.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the job number and name.
Currency This field shows the job currency.
Invoiceable This field shows whether the job is invoiceable and/or internal job.
Job Group This field shows the job group.
Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager.
Main Job This field shows the main job number and name if the job is a subjob.
No. of Subjobs This field shows the number of subjobs if the job is a main job.
Closed This check box indicates whether the job is closed.

Dates Island

Field Description
Start Date This field shows the date when the job was started, given by the project manager.
Estimated Ending Date This field shows the expected ending date, given by the project manager.
Actual Completion This field shows the date when the job was closed.

Price Island

Field Description
Invoicing Method This field shows whether the job is Fixed Price or Time & Material.
Fixed-Price Basis This field shows whether the basis for fixed price is the budget or the quote.
Fixed Price Budget Type If the fixed price is based on the budget, this field shows the budget type for the fixed price.
Fixed Price, Currency This field shows the fixed price of the job in job currency.
Quote Price, Currency This field shows the quote price in job currency.

Time Registrations Island

Field Description
Hours Registered This field shows the total number of hours registered for the job.
Cost Price Reg., Base This field shows the registered cost price for time activities in the base currency of the job.
Billing Price Reg., Currency This field shows the registered billing price for time activities in the job currency.
Latest Time Sheet Registrations This field shows the date of the latest time sheet with registrations on the job. This includes unsubmitted time sheets.
Last Date Project Manager Time Approvals This field shows the date of the last time the project manager approved time sheet lines for the job.

Time Registrations, Invoiced Sub-Island

Field Description
Hours, Invoiced This field shows the total number of hours invoiced for the job.
Hours, Up/Down This field shows the write up/down in terms of hours.
Billing Price Invoiced, Currency This field shows the billing price invoiced for time activities in job currency.
Billing Price Up/Down, Currency This field shows the write up/down for time activities in job currency.
Cost Price Invoiced, Base This field shows the invoiced cost price for time activities in the base currency of the job.

Time Registrations, Open Sub-Island

Field Description
Hours, Open This field shows the number of open hours, that is, hours registered but not invoiced.
Billing Price, Currency This field shows the open billing price for time activities, in job currency.
Cost Price, Base This field shows the open cost price for time activities in base currency.

Time Registrations, Non Approved Time Sheets Sub-Island

Field Description
Billing Price, Currency This field shows the total registered billing price on time sheets which has been submitted but not transferred for posting.

Time Registrations, Non Submitted Time Sheets Sub-Island

Field Description
Number of Hours This field shows number of hours from time sheet lines on the jobs for time sheets that have not been submitted. For time sheets in days, the number of days on the time sheets is converted to hours by multiplying with the number of hours per man day specified on the job.

Billing Island

Field Description
Billing Price Up/Down, Total, Currency This field shows the write up/down in job currency.

Invoice Selection Status Island

Field Description
Open for Selection This check box indicates whether the job is open for invoice selection.
Includes Sub Jobs This check box is selected if the job is a main job with subjobs set up for invoicing on the main job.
Carry Forward, Currency This field shows the total amount currently selected for carry forward with respect to invoice selection.
Drafts for Editing This check box indicates whether draft invoices are currently being edited on the job.

A related text field shows the number of drafts being edited.

Blanket Drafts for Editing This checkbox indicates whether there are blanket draft invoices for editing. Blanket drafts are created when you approve invoice selection in Blanket Invoice Selection or apply the “Create Blanket Drafts” action in Blanket Invoicing Overview.
Submitted Drafts This field shows the number of submitted invoice drafts.
Approved for Invoicing This check box indicates whether drafts are currently approved for invoicing on the job.
Submitted by This field shows the name of user who submitted this draft.
Submitted Date This field shows the date when the draft was submitted.
Approved by This field shows the name of the user who approved the job for invoicing.
Approval Date This field shows the date on which the job was approved for invoicing.

Revenue Recognition Island

Field Description
Job Parameter Setup This field shows the name of the job parameter for revenue recognition setup.
Revenue Recognized, Currency This field shows the revenue recognized in job currency.

Factor Island

Field Description
Factor, Current Budget This field shows the factor for the current job budget. This metric is only available for the current budget.
Factor, Reg. This field shows the factor for the job according to total registered cost and billing price.
Factor, Invoiced This field shows the factor for the job according to the total invoiced cost and billing price.
Factor, Revenue Recognized This field shows the factor for the job according to revenue recognized.

Purchase Orders Island

Field Description
Committed, Currency This field shows the amount committed on purchase orders in job currency.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the customer number and name on the job.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the company number and name on the job.
Base Currency This field shows the currency of the company on the job.

Current Budget Island

Field Description
Created This check-box shows if a budget for the current budget type has been created.
Budget Type This field shows the budget type of the current budget. Budget types are maintained in the pop-up field “Budget Type” in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.
Revision No. This field shows the revision number of the current job budget.
Cost Price This field shows the budgeted cost price in base currency.
Billing Price, Currency This field shows the budgeted billing price in job currency.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the budgeted billing price in base currency.
Gross Margin, Base The field shows the gross margin in the current budget.
Gross Margin Percentage This field shows the gross margin percentage according to the budgeted cost and billing prices.
Markup Percentage This field shows the markup percentage of the current budget, that is, the gross margin as a percentage of the total cost price.
Submitted This checkbox indicates whether the budget has been submitted.
Submitted by This field shows the user name of the person who submitted the project budget.
Date Submitted This field shows the date on which the project budget was submitted.
Approved This check box indicates whether the project budget has been approved.
Approved by This field shows the user name of the person who approved the project budget.
Date Approved This field shows the date on which the project budget was approved.

Amount Registrations Island

Field Description
Cost Price Reg., Base This field shows the registered cost price for amount activities in the base currency of the job.
Billing Price Reg., Currency This field shows the registered billing price for amount activities in the job currency.
Latest Expense Sheet Registrations This field shows the date of the latest submitted expense sheet that has registrations on the job. This does not include unsubmitted expense sheets.
Latest Mileage Sheet Registrations This field shows the date of the latest submitted mileage sheet that has registrations on the job. This does not include unsubmitted mileage sheets.
Last Date Project Manager Expense Approvals This field shows the date of the last time that the project manager approved expense sheet lines for the job.

Amount Registrations, Invoiced Sub-Island

Field Description
Billing Price Invoiced, Currency This field shows the currency for the invoiced billing price.
Billing Price Up/Down, Currency This field shows the write up/down for amount activities in the job currency.
Cost Price Invoiced, Base This field shows the invoiced cost price in the base currency.

Amount Registrations, Open Entries Sub-Island

Field Description
Open Billing Price, Currency This field shows the open billing price for amount activities in job currency.
Open Cost Price, Base This field shows the open cost price in base currency.

Amount Registrations, Non Approved Expense Sheets Sub-Island

Field Description
Billing Price, Currency This field shows the total billing price on expense sheets that has been submitted but not transferred for posting.
Cost Price Excl. Tax, Base This field shows the total cost excluding tax on expense sheets that have been submitted but not transferred.

Amount Registrations, Non Approved Mileage Sheets Sub-Island

Field Description
Billing Price, Currency This field shows the total billing price for from mileage sheets that have been submitted but not transferred for posting.
Cost Price Excl. Tax, base This field shows the total cost excluding tax from mileage sheets which have been submitted but not transferred for posting.

Invoicing Island

Field Description
Last Invoice This field shows the date of the last invoice on this job.
Invoiced Total, Currency This field shows the total invoiced billing price in job currency. The amount does not include on account invoices.

Invoicing Island, Invoicing on Account Sub-Island

Field Description
Total Invoiced on Account, Currency This field shows the total amount invoiced on account in job currency.
Net Invoiced on Account, Currency This field shows the net amount on account in job currency.
Net Invoiced on Account, Collection, Currency This field shows the net amount on account including contributions from a job collection.
Next Invoicing Date, Invoicing Plan This field shows the date of the next invoice according to the invoicing plan.
Next Invoicing Phase, Invoicing Plan This field shows the date of the next phase to be invoiced as determined by the job phases.

Invoicing Island, Pre-Invoicing

Field Description
Pre-Invoiced, Pending Payment, Currency This field shows the total amount for all pre-invoices on this job that are printed, but payment is not yet reconciled. The sum is displayed in pre-invoice currency.
Pre-Invoiced, Pending Payment, Base This field shows the total amount for all pre-invoices on this job that are printed, but payment is not yet reconciled. The sum is displayed in pre-invoice base currency.
Pre-Invoiced, Pending Payment, Enterprise This field shows the total amount for all pre-invoices on the job that are printed, but payment is not yet reconciled. The sum is displayed in pre-invoice enterprise currency.

Invoicing Island, Gross Margin Sub-Island

Field Description
Gross Margin, Invoiced, Base This field shows the total gross margin for the invoices on the job in base currency.
Gross Margin Percentage, Invoiced This field shows the gross margin percentage on invoiced job entries. This is calculated as (billing price minus cost price) divided by billing price.
Markup Percentage, Invoiced This field shows the markup percentage on invoiced job entries. This is calculated as the gross margin divided by the cost price.

Customer Balance (Incl. Tax) Island

Field Description
Customer Balance, Base This field shows the open amount in accounts receivables for the customer on the job, in base currency.
Customer Balance Due, Base This field shows the amount due for payment in accounts receivables for the customer, in base currency.

Latest Approved Progress Evaluation Island

Field Description
Unit of Measure This field shows the unit that job progress shows in hours or cost price.
Show Original Figures If this check box is selected, the window shows original figures approved in Job Progress, otherwise it shows the updated figures.
Estimate Date This field shows the date of the last approved evaluation.
Planned This field shows the hours/cost planned in the Resource Planning module (not People Planner).
Actual This field shows actual work completed.
ETC This field shows the estimate to completion. The unit depends on your choice in the Unit of Measure field.
ETC, Days This field shows the estimated time to completion in days.
Total This field shows the total work (in hours or cost price), which is the sum of actual and estimate to completion.
Deviation This field shows the latest deviation between the total in the latest approved evaluation of job progress compared to the previous evaluation.
Accumulated Deviation This field shows the accumulated deviation, which is the sum of the Deviation fields of all of the previous rows related to the job, including the current one.
Baseline This field shows budgeted work on the baseline budget.
Baseline Deviation This field shows the current deviation of the planning budget from the baseline budget.
Completion Percentage This field shows the completion percentage of the job in the latest approved evaluation of job progress.
Remarks This field shows any remarks that have been entered about the job’s latest approved progress evaluation.
Eval. Status This field shows the status that was selected in the latest approved evaluation of job progress. Use this field for assigning a high-level job progress status such as “Red,” “Yellow,” “Green.”