Print Invoice Statistics Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Print Invoice Statistics tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Cust. No. Here you specify a range of customer numbers. The statistics will only include invoices to customers within this range.
Item No. Here you specify a range of item numbers. The statistics will only include invoice lines for items within this range.
Customer Group Here you select a customer group. The statistics will only include invoices to customers in this group.
Sales Rep. Here you can specify a range of sales representatives. The field is alphanumeric AB comes before CB, and BB is in between, and so on. The statistics will only include sales representatives within the range.
Warehouse Here you select a warehouse. The statistics will only include invoices from this warehouse.
Company No. In this field, you can specify a range of company numbers. Only invoices for which companies within the specified range are responsible are included in the statistics.
Cust. Group Here you select a customer group. The statistics will only include invoices to customers in this group.
Item Group Here you select an item group. The statistics will only include invoice lines for items in this group.
Item Type Here you select an item type. The statistics will only include invoice lines for items of this type.
Department Here you select a department. The statistics will only include invoices from this department.

Columns Island

Field Description
Column This field shows a column number, corresponding to the columns in the statistics printout.

You also use the numbers to specify which sets of figures to compare, by selecting “Variance” or “Ratio.” You type the number in the “Calculation” field.

Contents Here you select the content of the column in the statistics printout. You can select from the following values:
  • Net Sales — The column shows sales less any line and invoice discount for the period given in the “Period” fields.
  • Gross Sales — The column shows sales including any line and invoice discount for the period given in the “Period” fields.
  • Gross Margin — The column shows the gross margin (net sales less cost of sales) for the period given in the “Period” fields.
  • Discount — The column shows the sum of line and invoice discount for the period given in the “Period” fields.
  • Quantity — The column shows the quantity sold in the period given in the “Period” fields.
  • Variance — The column shows the variance in the two columns given in the “Calculation” fields.
  • Ratio — The column shows the ratio between the two columns given in the “Calculation” fields.

If you select Sales, Gross Margin or Quantity, you must specify a period in the “Period” field next to the column. If you select Variance or Ratio, you must enter two column numbers in the Calculation field.

Period Here you specify an interval of dates. They define the statistics period (Sales, Gross Margin or Quantity). You can select any period. You can, for example compare January 1998 with January 1999. You then enter 01.01.98 01.31.98 next to column 1 and 01.01.99 01.31.99 next to column 2.
Calculation Here you enter two column numbers, if you select either Variance or Ratio in the “Contents” field. Maconomy will then compare the statistics from the two columns.

If, for example, column 1 and 2 have the values from the above example in the “Period” field, and you wish to see the ratio between these columns in column 3, you select “Ratio” in column three and write “2” “1” in this field.

Percent Here you select whether to show the statistics as an amount/quantity or as a percentage.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Layout In this field, you can select which layout to use for the printout. If no additional layouts for the current printout have been added in the window Print Layout in the Set-Up module, the only options are “Sales Rep. Item Group” and “Customer.” The first shows invoice lines per sales representative, item group and item, and the second shows invoice lines per customer group, customer and item.
Show Items Here you select whether to show only one sum per item group per sales representative, or whether to also specify the statistics per item.

If you mark the field, the printout will specify the statistics per item, showing one line per item in every item group.

Show Invoice Lines Here you specify whether to show only one sum per item group per sales representative, or whether to show individual invoice lines as well.

If you mark the field, the statistics will be detailed, showing one line per invoice line per item in every item group.