Change Interest Charge Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Change Interest Charge Selection tab.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. This field displays the customer number. The field cannot be changed in this window.

The name and the first address line for the company-specific customer are also displayed. The fields are copied from the window Company Specific Customer Information Card and cannot be changed in this window.

Currency This field displays the standard currency of the company-specific customer.
Reminder Text Group This field displays the reminder text group assigned to the current customer. The reminder text group is copied from the window Company Specific Payment Information and cannot be changed in this window.
Blocked This field displays whether or not the company-specific customer has been blocked for payment. If the field is marked, the company-specific customer has been blocked for payment. If this is the case, sales orders and/or invoices cannot be created for the customer in question. If the corresponding field in the window Company Specific Payment Information has been marked, Maconomy automatically marks this field. The field cannot be changed in this window.

Payment Information Island

Field Description
Payment Terms This field displays the payment terms associated with sales orders to the current company-specific customer. The payment terms are used for calculation of overdue invoice amounts.

The payment terms of the company-specific customers are selected in the window Company Specific Payment Information.

Credit Limit This field displays the credit limit of the current company-specific customer. The amount is copied from the field “Company Level, Base” in the window Company Specific Payment Information. If you try to create a sales order, a quote or an invoice for the current company-specific customer and the sum of the customer’s invoice balance and order balance is greater than this amount, Maconomy shows an error message. However, it is still possible to create sales orders to the current customer.

The value is copied from the window Company Specific Payment Information.

If the current customer should be blocked for payment, so that it is not possible to create sales orders, quotes and invoices for that customer, you can mark the field “Blocked” in the window Company Specific Payment Information.

Automatic Reconciliation This field displays whether or not Maconomy reconciles payments with the first-in invoices based on due dates. If the field is marked, Maconomy automatically reconciles payments with invoices, that is, open invoice entries will be closed. If the payment amount is greater than the customer’s invoice balance, Maconomy will not perform automatic reconciliation of payments with invoices. If this is the case, payment entries are registered as open entries and the reconciliation should be done manually.

Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field displays the name and number for the settling company of the customer.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the “Settling Company” field above.

Balance Island

Field Description
Balance, Currency This field displays the current balance of the company-specific customer’s standard currency. The balance is updated in connection with posting of journals with references to the current customer. The field is completed automatically and cannot be changed in this window.
Balance, Base This field displays the current balance of the company-specific customer’s base currency. The balance is updated in connection with posting of journals with references to the current customer. The field is completed automatically and cannot be changed in this window.

Account Statement Island

Field Description
Last Statement No. This field displays the number of the last historic statement printed for the current company-specific customer. Historical customer statements are printed in the window Print Historical Customer Statement.
Date of Last Statement This field displays the date of the last creation of a historic statement for the current company-specific customer. Maconomy automatically updates this field and it cannot be changed in this window.

Interest Charge Status Island

Field Description
Date Approved This field displays the last date of approval of an interest charge for the company-specific customer. The field is automatically completed by Maconomy and cannot be changed in this window.
Current Interest Charge This field displays the calculated interest charge total for the company-specific customer. The amount is calculated/updated both when you select the action “Create Interest Charge Selection” and when you change an interest amount in an entry.

This field is reset to zero, when you select the action “Approve Interest Selection.”

Maconomy also checks that the amount in this field is within the boundaries of the interest charge limit and minimum interest charge of the customer.

Show Entries Closed for Interest Calculation In this field you can specify if entries closed for interest calculation should be shown in the table part. This can be used to reopen entries closed for interest calculation.

Reminder Status Island

Field Description
Date Approved This field displays the last date of approval of a reminder selection for the company-specific customer. The field is automatically completed by Maconomy and cannot be changed in this window.
Current Reminder Level This field displays the reminder level of the company-specific customer. The company-specific customer’s reminder level equals the highest reminder level specified on an entry for the current customer. The reminder level is raised by 1 for each time a reminder is sent to the customer. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed in this window.

The reminder level is reset to zero, if the company-specific customer does not have reminder entries due.

No. Entries Prompted This field displays the number of entries that have been prompted for inclusion in a reminder letter to the company-specific customer. When creating reminder selections, Maconomy checks how many entries should be included in the reminder letter to the current customer. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed in this window.
Reminder Charge This field displays the reminder amount charged to the company-specific customer. The amount is copied from the interest charge/reminder principle assigned to the current customer, which is displayed in this window if at least one entry has been included in a reminder letter to the customer.

Interest Charge/Reminder Principle Island

Field Description
Interest Charge/Reminder Principle This field displays the name of the interest charge/reminder principle assigned to the current customer. An interest charge/reminder principle is assigned to a customer in the island Interest Charge/Reminder Control for each customer in the window Company Specific Payment Information. The contents of the remaining fields in this island are copied from the assigned interest charge/reminder principle. Interest charge/reminder principles are maintained in the window Interest Charge/Reminder Principles.
Charge Interest This field displays whether or not overdue invoices for the current company-specific customer are subject to interest charge. If this field is marked, overdue invoices for the customer are subject to interest charge.
Interest Charge Basis This field displays the interest charge basis specified in the current interest charge/reminder principle.
Net/EOM This field displays which of the two interest charge principles “EOM” and “Net” is used in the current interest charge/reminder principle.
Percentage p.a. This field displays the interest charge percentage calculated per year in the current interest charge/reminder principle.
No. of Days Since Last Calculation This field displays the minimum number of days that may pass before a new interest charge calculation is made on the current customer’s overdue payments.

Paym. Terms on Notice In this field, you select the payment terms on the current interest charge notices. The selected payment terms in this field will be printed on interest notices and will overrule the customer’s normal payment terms.
Reminders This field displays whether or not the company-specific customer should be sent reminder letters, if that customer has overdue payments that have passed their due date.
Currency This field displays the standard currency (Std. Currency) and Interest Principle Currency types for the company-specific customer.
Minimum Interest Charge This field displays the minimum amount that may become subject to interest charge calculation. The amount is displayed in the standard currency and the interest principle currency of the company-specific customer.
Interest Charge Limit This field displays the minimum interest charge amount to be calculated before adding an interest charge to the current company-specific customer’s overdue payments. Maconomy will not add interest charges to overdue payments if the calculated interest charge amount is less than the one displayed in this field. The amount is shown in the standard currency and the interest principle currency of the company-specific customer.