Company Locations Workspace

Use this workspace to set up global location numbers for the individual companies in your system.

You use global location numbers in electronic invoicing. A global location number is a unique number that identifies a specific legal, functional, or physical location within a business or organizational entity. For instance, a global location number can be a company; a specific department or function within a company, or a physical location, such as a specific warehouse, delivery point, and so on. Global location numbers are issued centrally and are therefore unique worldwide. This means that when you specify a given global location number on an electronic invoice or payment, the address or delivery point is automatically derived from the location number, ensuring that the invoice or payment reaches the correct recipient.

You can specify multiple location numbers for each company. For instance, if company A has one global location number for its marketing department and another for its sales department, you can set up the global location number that is assigned to each of these entities in this workspace.

The location numbers that you enter in this workspace are used when receiving vendor invoices. Thus, you can inform vendors that a given location number should be applied to invoices that are going to a specific department in your organization.

For each location, you can specify information to be applied to vendor invoices that are received. When you receive a vendor invoice with a location number, the information from the location number in question-including the number of the company to which the location number is assigned-is automatically assigned to the invoice in the Vendor Invoices workspace, thus ensuring that, for example, the correct dimension values and the employee responsible for allocation are assigned to the invoice.

Your customers might also have global location numbers that they want you to enter on invoices. You enter the information about the location number to be used on invoices that you send to customers in the Payment Information/Company Specific Payment Control workspace. This information is automatically suggested on jobs, orders, invoices, and so on.