Global Location Numbers Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Global Location Numbers sub-tab.

Field Description
Global Location No. In this field, you can specify a global location number, thus assigning the global location number to the company specified in the Company Locations tab. In the Rules of Validation workspace, you can set up validation rules for global location numbers to ensure that the numbers entered in this field are valid.
Description In this field, you can specify a description of the current global location number and its use, for instance the name of the department, building, and so on to which the number applies.
Blocked If you mark this field, the current global location number is blocked and can no longer be specified on new vendor invoices. You can unblock a location number at any time by unmarking this field.
Registration Code In this field, you can specify a registration code to be applied to vendor invoices going to the current location. This means that when the current global location number is specified on a vendor invoice, the registration code in this field is automatically transferred to the field “Registration Code” in the Vendor Invoices workspace, as if entered manually. However, the registration code on the vendor invoice can be changed.

Assigning a registration code to a global location number is practical if certain dimension values should always be applied to vendor invoices belonging to the department, building, and so on represented by the global location number.

Allocation Responsible In this field, you can specify an allocation responsible to be applied to vendor invoices going to the current location. This means that when the current global location number is specified on a vendor invoice, the allocation responsible in this field is automatically transferred to the field “Responsible for Allocation” in the Vendor Invoices workspace, as if entered manually. However, the allocation responsible on the vendor invoice can be changed.
Remarks 1-5 In these fields, you can enter various remarks and additional information about the current global location number and its use.
Created by This field shows the name of the user who created the current line.
Created on This field shows the date on which the current line was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the last user to change information on the current line.
Changed on This field shows the last date on which information on the current line was made.
Version This field shows a number corresponding to the version of the information on the line. Maconomy automatically increases the version number by one every time the information on the line is changed. It is not possible to retrieve previous versions.