G/L Reports Introduction

Use the Maconomy G/L report generator as a tool for extracting and presenting financial data.

It enables you to define and store an unlimited number of reports. Maconomy produces the reports from data that is stored in the general ledger, so after you define a report, you can use it again and again. The G/L report generator consists of the following workspaces: G/L Report Columns, G/L Report Set-Up, and Print G/L Report.

You define G/L reports in Maconomy in two stages:
  • Define the columns in the G/L Report Columns workspace.
  • Define the report lines in the G/L Report Set-Up workspace.

The basic composition of a report is similar to a spreadsheet and consists of columns and lines (or rows).

The tasks of defining columns and lines are divided among two workspaces so that you can easily combine various column and line calculations. This adds flexibility in creating a wide range of reports, in that you can reuse elements that you have defined once, in numerous reports.

You use the G/L Report Columns workspace to define report columns. You assign the report columns to various report lines. Each line in a column produces figures that are consistent with other lines in the same column. For example, a column can consist of actual figures, budgeted amounts, quantity counts, a calculation from other columns, and so forth. You can define up to 40 columns for each report.

You use the G/L Report Set-Up workspace to define the output of the report lines. Each line expresses a dimension of the general ledger, subject to various target group criteria. Maconomy's general ledger dimensions are Company, Account, Location, Entity, Project, Purpose, Spec. 1-3, and Local Spec. 1-3. The target group enables you to clearly define a range of options for the dimension or dimensions that you include in the report or report line. For example, you might limit a section of the report (report line definition) to a range of expense account numbers.

You can print reports from several places, including the G/L Report Set-Up and Print G/L Report workspaces.