Job Pre-Invoice Event Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Pre-Invoice Event sub-tab.

Field Description
Event No. This field shows the sequential number for the event.
Event Date This field show the date on which the event took place.
Transaction Date This field shows the related transaction's date. The date shown is determined by the event type:
  • New Invoice — The field shows the invoice date of the created pre-invoice.
  • Automatic Cancellation — The field shows the invoice date of the T&M invoice that cancelled this pre-invoice.
  • Manual Cancellation — The field shows the same date as the event date.
  • Cancellation Reported — The field shows the invoice date of the T&M invoice where this pre-invoice was reported.
  • Cancellation Reversed — If the cancellation was revoked, the field shows the invoice date of the T&M credit memo for this pre-invoice. If the cancellation was revoked by using the Reverse Pre-Invoice Cancellation action, the field shows the event date.
  • Payment Received — The field shows the reconciliation date of the payment.
Event Type This field shows the type of event on this line:
  • New Invoice — A pre-invoice is created.
  • Automatic Cancellation — A pre-invoice is automatically cancelled when a time and material invoice is printed. The Time and Material Invoice Number field specifies the invoice associated with the cancellation.
  • Manual Cancellation — The pre-invoice is manually cancelled by using the Cancel Pre-Invoice action.
  • Cancellation Reported — The cancellation of this pre-invoice is reported on a time and material invoice indicated in the Time and Material Invoice Number field.
  • Cancellation Reversed — The cancellation of this pre-invoice is undone either by using the Reverse Pre-Invoice Cancellation action or by crediting a time and material invoice.

    Note: When you credit a T&M invoice with a cancelled pre-invoice, the pre-invoice is cancelled only if the Restore Pre-Invoices check box is selected. If the cancellation was reversed using the action, the Time and Material Invoice Number field is left blank; otherwise, it contains the number of the credit memo involved in the process.

  • Payment Received — A full or partial payment is reconciled against the pre-invoice. The Invoice Journal Number and Invoice Journal Line Number fields indicate the Invoice Journal line where the pre-invoice is posted. The Reconciliation Journal Number and Reconciliation Journal Line Number fields indicate the journal where the pre-invoice is selected for reconciliation. Once a journal is posted, the pre-invoice is no longer selected for reconciliation.
Username This field shows the user who performed the last action on a pre-invoice.
Time and Material Invoice The invoice number of the time and material invoice or credit memo involved in the event, if any.
Invoice Journal No. If a payment has been received, this field shows the Invoice Journal's journal number where the pre-invoice was posted.
Invoice Journal Line No. If a payment has been received, this field shows the Invoice Journal's journal line number where the pre-invoice was posted.
Reconciliation Journal No. If a payment has been received, this field shows the journal number of the journal where the pre-invoice is selected for reconciliation.
Reconciliation Journal Line No. If a payment is received, this field shows the journal line number of the journal where the pre-invoice is selected for reconciliation.