End Users Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the End Users tab.

End User Island

Field Description
End User No. In this field, you enter a unique end customer number. The end customer is a customer who buys from one or more of your direct customers.

You also enter the end customer’s name and address. Note, you must complete the line under the end customer number.

The fourth line has two fields: One for zip code and the other for postal district. If you enter a zip code and leave the postal district field blank, the postal district field is automatically completed, provided that the zip code in question has been entered for the relevant country in the window Postal Districts in the Set-Up module. For further information, see the description of the window Postal Districts.

Attn. In this field, you enter the end customer’s attention person.
Country In this field, you enter the end customer’s country. Countries are maintained in the window Countries in the Set-Up module.
Phone In this field, you enter the end customer’s phone number.
Fax In this field, you enter the end customer’s fax number.
Telex In this field, you enter the end customer’s telex number.
E-mail In this field, you enter the e-mail address of the end user.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks In these fields, you enter remarks concerning the current end user.