Main Budget Template Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Main Budget Template tab.

Card Part Island

Field Description
Name This field shows the name of the main budget template.
Description This field shows a description of the main budget template.
Finance Budget Type This field shows the type of budget.
Fiscal Year This field shows the fiscal year used in the current budget model.
Access Level This field shows the name of the access level to be assigned to the current company. If an access level is specified, only users who have been granted access to this access level or higher can see the data of the current company.
Instance Key The instance key of the finance budget header.
Parent Budget Instance Key This field shows the instance key of the parent budget. That is, if the finance budget line in this card belongs to a sub budget, then the field refers to the instance key of the main budget and if the line belongs to a main budget, then the field refers to the instance key of the parent sum budget.
Created by This field shows the name of the employee who created the current information about the layout.
Created on This field shows the date on which the current information about the layout was created.
Changed by This field shows the name of the employee who last changed information about the layout.
Changed on This field shows the date on which the information about the layout was changed.
Version This field shows a version number. The version number is increased by one every time the current information is changed.