Time Sheets Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Time Sheets tab.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Employee This field shows the name and number of the employee the time sheet is for.
Department This is the department to which the employee belongs. The field shows the number of the department assigned to the employee according to the employee revision applying on the first day of the time sheet.

Resubmission Island

Field Description
Resubmission Explanation Required Select this check box to require the user to enter an explanation for resubmitting the time sheet.
Resubmission Explanation Enter a reason for resubmission of the time sheet.

Period Island

Field Description
Week In this field you enter the number of the week to which the time sheet applies. Maconomy automatically suggests the current week.

If split-week time sheets are used, and the current week extends across the change of a month, Maconomy will automatically create two time sheets: Part “A,” covering Monday through the end of the month, and part “B,” covering the beginning of the following month through Sunday. The part currently in use is also displayed in this field.

You can specify a week in which at least one day is within the open posting period for job entries. This period is defined in the window Posting Period Setup in the G/L module. You can also specify a week which comes after the open posting period, if you, for example, need to register time on a job before you go on vacation. However, you should note that Maconomy will give a warning when you specify hours in the fields “Monday–Sunday” in the sub-tab for dates after the open posting period. In addition, it will only be possible to submit such time sheets, but not to perform any actions that will result in a posting. Whether it is the submission, release, or approval that determines when a time sheet is transferred for posting depends on the approval principle of each job. For further information about approval principles, please see the description of the island Approval in the window Jobs. If no open posting period has been specified for job entries, Maconomy uses the open posting period for G/L entries instead.

The open posting period for job entries is different from the one applying to G/L entries in that it can allow the registration of hours in the window Time Sheets and amounts in the window Expense Sheets on dates prior to the open G/L posting period. For further information, please see the introduction to this window.

If the system parameter “Disallow the Creation of Time Sheets Outside Period of Employment” is marked, Maconomy will issue an error message if you attempt to create a time sheet for an employee for a period outside the employee’s period of employment—that is, before he was employed or after he ceased working for the company.

Year In this field, you enter the year of the week. Maconomy automatically suggests the current year.
Date This field displays the date range covered by the current time sheet. If split-week time sheets are used, the field shows the date range for the part of the week covered by the current time sheet.
Week Calendar No. This field shows the number of the week calendar assigned to the employee according to the employee revision applying on the first day of the time sheet. The week calendar is used for calculating the number of working hours in each day.

Total Island

Field Description
Time Unit This field shows the unit for time on the time sheet. When you create a time sheet, the time unit is derived from the employee revision that contains the starting date of the time sheet. In the case of split-week time sheets, the two parts may have different time units if the employee has been set up to change time unit between the period start dates of the two time sheet parts.
Date In these fields, the dates of the individual weekdays are shown.
Total This column of fields shows the total time in hours or days depending, on the Time Unit.
Fixed This column of fields will show the fixed time in hours or days depending on the Time Unit. For each day, the fixed time unit is found using the following procedure:
  1. Maconomy looks up the fixed working Time Unit for the weekday in question in the employee revision, that occurs on the date in question. For instance, to find the fixed time for Thursday, November 6, 2014, Maconomy looks up the fixed time amount for Thursdays in the employee revision that occur on November 6, 2014.
  2. Maconomy then looks up the week calendar in the employee revision applying on the date in question. In this week calendar, Maconomy checks the Time Unit field for the date in question.
  3. The lower of these figures is used as the fixed time for the date.
Balance, Monday-Sunday Copy to come.
Balance, Week Copy to come.
Exclude Overtime, Monday-Sunday

This field shows whether the Exclude Overtime from Time Sheets feature is enabled for the day.

Exclude Overtime, Week

This field shows whether the Exclude Overtime from Time Sheets feature is enabled for the week.

Regular Time, Monday-Sunday These fields show the difference between the total number of hours entered and registered overtime for the day.
Note: These fields are shown only when the Exclude Overtime from Balance check box is selected on the employee's record.
Regular Time, Week This field shows the total regular hours registered for the week.
Note: This field is shown only when the Exclude Overtime from Balance check box is selected on the employee's record.
Balance (Regular), Monday-Sunday

These fields show the balance between an employee's fixed working hours and the total hours registered for the day.

If the Exclude Overtime from Time Sheets feature is enabled, these fields show the difference between regular time entered and the employee's fixed working hours for the day.

Balance (Regular), Week

This field shows the total balance for the week.

If the Exclude Overtime from Time Sheets feature is enabled, this field shows the difference between regular time entered and the employee's fixed working hours for the week.

Overtime, Monday-Sunday

These fields show the calculated overtime for the day.

This is calculated as the sum of all time sheet lines that have a selected Overtime Spec. where the Include in Regular Time field is deselected.

Overtime, Week

This field shows the total calculated overtime for the week.

This is calculated as the sum of all time sheet lines that have a selected Overtime Spec. where the Include in Regular Time field is deselected.

Total, Monday-Sunday Copy to come.
Total, Week Copy to come.
Check-in Enabled, Monday-Sunday This field specifies whether multiple check-in entries are enabled for each day.
Check-in Enabled, Week This field specifies whether multiple check-in entries are enabled for the week.
Check-in Time, Monday-Sunday This field shows the total check-in time registered for each day.
Check-in Time, Week This field shows the total check-in time registered for the week.
Check-in Balance, Monday-Sunday This field shows the remaining check-in balance for each day.
Check-in Balance, Week This field shows the total remaining check-in balance for the week.
Missed Meal, Monday-Sunday

This field specifies whether the employee utilized their daily break for the day.

If the field value is Yes, the employee skipped their break.

External This column (one row per weekday) of fields shows the total time for external jobs in hours or days, depending on the Time Unit.
Internal This column of fields shows the total time for internal jobs in hours or days, depending on the Time Unit.

Working Hours Island

This island has a row for every day in the week, and a row displaying the totals for each column. The fields are used for registering check-in and check-out times to capture actual working time. These times are called actual work time intervals. The actual working time is compared to the expected working time set up for the current employee. Depending on setup, you may be required to register any difference in overtime or flextime. Note that it is possible to specify an interval which spans midnight. In this case, the working time is considered to belong to the date on which work was begun. For more information, please see the description of the window Employees in the Set-Up module.

Note: For all fields in this island, if the Registration field in the Check-in / out Time Entry island on the Employees workspace is set to Not Allowed, then these fields are not calculated and are not available for entering data.
Field Description
Expected Check-in These fields show the expected check-in time as specified for the current employee.

These fields show the employee’s fixed number of working hours for each day covered by the time sheet. For each day, the expected check-in time is found using the following procedure:

  1. Maconomy looks up the check-in time for the weekday in question in the employee revision applying on the date in question. For instance, to find the expected check-in time for Tuesday, November 6, 2007, Maconomy looks up the check-in time for Tuesdays in the employee revision applying on November 6, 2007.
  2. Maconomy then looks up the week calendar in the employee revision applying on the date in question. In this week calendar, Maconomy checks the check-in time for the date in question.
  3. If no check-in times are identified in steps 1 and 2, Maconomy leaves the field blank.

Maconomy may be configured to allow the user to edit the expected check-in and check-out. If this is the case, the fixed working hours are not changed — that is, the new expected work time interval applies to the date in question only.

Expected Check-out The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Expected Check-in” above.
Actual Check-in In this field, you can enter the time when you actually came to work.
Actual Check-out In this field, you can enter the time when you actually left work.
Absence In this field, you can enter how many hours you were absent on a particular day. The absence is used in the calculation of actual working hours. For instance, if you need to be absent for two hours due to a dentist’s appointment, you can enter that number of hours in this field. You can also enter a comment regarding your absence in the fields “Remark 1-2.”
Working Hours This field shows the actual working hours. The working hours are calculated from the difference between the check-in time and the check-out time, less any registered absence.
Reg. This field shows the actual time registered on lines in the sub-tab.
Bal. This field shows the balance between the actual working hours from the field “Working Hours” and the registered hours from the field “Reg.”
Var. This field shows any variance between the expected and the actual working hours. Note that if the system parameter “Popup 1 required if difference between exp. and act. work hours” is marked, you are required to select a value in the field “Popup 1” before you can submit the time sheet.

Note that if no working hours are entered (that is, “Actual Check-in” and “Actual Check-out” are empty), the variance is considered to be zero.

Popup 1 In this field, you can select a pop-up value. The pop-up field values are created in the pop-up “Time Sheet Popup 1” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. If the system parameter “Popup 1 required if difference between exp. and act. work hours” is marked, you are required to select a value in this field before you can submit the time sheet, if the value in the field “Var.” is different from zero. This way, you can specify to the accounting department what you want them to do with the difference. For instance, the values in this pop-up field could be “Overtime” and “Flextime.” You could thus specify that the difference should be paid out (“Overtime”) or added to/subtracted from your Flextime account (“Flextime”). Note that the fields are for information only.
Remarks 1 Copy to come.

Activities Island

Field Description
Time Activity 1-3 These fields show the total time for activities in hours or days, depending on the Time Unit. Time activity can be used to calculate overtime among others. The activity references can be created in the window Time Sheet References.
Total Time Activities This field shows the total time for Activities 1-3 in hours or days, depending on the Time Unit.
Balance This field shows the balance in hours or days, depending on the Time Unit.
Amount Activity 1-4 In these fields, the total quantity registered for each of the fields “Amount Activity 1-4” in the sub-tab is shown. Activity references can be created in the window Time Sheet References.

Employee Remarks Island

These fields show the employee remarks entered in the island Remarks of the window Employees.

Transaction Island

Field Description
Transaction Type This is the entry's transaction type. Transaction types are set up in the Transaction Types window.

Status Island

Field Description
Created By This field shows the name of the user who created the time sheet.
Date This is the date the time sheet was created.
Submitted This field shows whether the time sheet has been submitted. This field will be marked automatically when you select the action “Submit Time Sheet.”
Submitted by This field shows the name of the user who submitted the current time sheet.
Date This field shows the date when the time sheet was submitted.
Temp. Submitted This field shows whether the time sheet has been temporarily submitted. This field will be marked automatically when you select the action “Submit Temp. Time Sheet.”
Temp. Submitted by This field shows the name of the user who submitted the current time sheet.
Date This field shows the date when the time sheet was temporarily submitted.
Transferred If this field is marked, the time sheet has been transferred to a time sheet journal or the time sheet transfer queue (if the system parameter “Central transferral of time sheets” is marked). This field will be marked automatically when all lines on the time sheet have been transferred. The criteria determining when a time sheet line is transferred for posting depends on the selected approval principle. For further information, please see the description of the island Approval in the window Jobs.
Transferred by This field shows the name of the user who transferred the current time sheet.
Date This field shows the date when the current time sheet was transferred.
Approved This field shows whether the time sheet has been approved by the supervisor. This field is automatically marked when the time sheet is approved, and the mark is removed if the time sheet is reopened. Note that even though this field is marked on a time sheet, the time sheet might not be fully approved, as a time sheet is not fully approved until it has been approved by all relevant instances.
Approved by This field shows the name of the user who approved the current time sheet and thus indicated the approval of the supervisor. If no approval is necessary for any of the lines, this field shows the name of the user who submitted the time sheet.
Date This field shows the date on which the current time sheet was fully approved.
Reopened This field shows if the time sheet has been reopened. This field is filled in automatically when the time sheet is reopened.

Supervisor Island

Field Description
Supervisor This field shows the name and number of the supervisor related to the employee specified on the time sheet. A supervisor has access to approving the current time sheet. The information is transferred from the main tab of the window Employees in the Set-Up module and cannot be changed here.

Secretary Island

Field Description
Secretary This field shows the name and number of the employee’s secretary. The secretary can, for instance, handle the time sheet registration and transfer for employees if the field “Release Time Sheets” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module has been marked for the individual employee. If the system parameter “Secretary can Approve Time Sheets” is marked, the secretary can also approve the current time sheet. The information is transferred from the main tab of the window Employees in the Set-Up module and cannot be changed here.

Mentor Island

Field Description
Mentor This field shows the name and number of any mentor assigned to the employee, for example, to assist in the training of the employee. The status of mentor grants access to seeing (but not changing) the time sheets of the employee in question. The information is transferred from the main tab of the window Employees in the Set-Up module and cannot be changed here.

Update Fixed Hours Island

Field Description
Update Fixed Hours at Approval If you mark this field, the fields “Fixed” and “Overtime” in the sub-tab will be updated to reflect the current number of fixed hours specified for the employee in question in the windows Employees or Week Calendars in the Set-Up module upon approval.

If the number of fixed hours has been changed for the employee, it will affect the calculation of overtime. The calculation is only affected as of the date when the number of fixed hours was changed; it does not affect the calculation of overtime for previously approved time sheets.

For the update of fixed hours to be recorded on the time sheets in the sub-tab, this field must be marked when the time sheets are approved.

Copy Time Sheet Island

Field Description
Date In this field you can enter a date. Maconomy will copy the time sheet created for this date when the action “Copy Time Sheet” is selected. By default, Maconomy suggests the date of the most recent period for which a time sheet exists when you create a time sheet and press Return.
Week This field and the field “Year” determine which time sheet Maconomy should copy when the action “Copy Time Sheet” is selected. By default, Maconomy suggests the week of the most recent period for which a time sheet exists when you create a time sheet and press Return.
Year The functionality of this field corresponds to that of the field “Week.”

Approval Hierarchy Status Island

Field Description
Approval Relation Copy to come.
Approval Number Copy to come.
Approval line Number Copy to come.
Approval Status Copy to come.
Approval Status Details Copy to come.
Header Can Be Approved By Current User Copy to come.
Header Approved Or Rejected By Copy to come.
Header Approval Or Rejection Date Copy to come.
Header Approval Or Rejection Time Copy to come.
Header Approval Or Rejection Comment Copy to come.
Workflow Status Copy to come.